Title: When properties of component lifetimes are inherited by system?
We discuss the distributional properties of a system with components whose lifetimes are identically distributed, and their joint distribution admits the Samaniego signature representation. We present some conditions on the system signatures under which the monotone failure rate, density and reversed failure rate of the components’ lifetimes are inherited by the system lifetime distribution.
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- Date: 25/05/2023, 15h30
- Lieu: IBISC, site Pelvoux, Amphithéâtre Y.Bestaoui – Bx30, voir le séminaire par Zoom: https://univ-evry-fr.zoom.us/j/95215657754?pwd=aEJuRWJwNmRDZzJldjB6MTNwWjJHQT09
- Invitante: Naïma AITOUFROUKH-MAMMAR (MCF HDR Univ. Évry, IBISC équipe SIAM)
- Organisatrices: Nadia ABCHICHE-MIMOUNI (MCF Univ. Évry, IBISC équipe IRA2), Naïma AITOUFROUKH-MAMMAR (MCF HDR Univ. Évry, IBISC équipe SIAM)
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