Publications à fort impact du mois de juillet 2017
Conférence Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, [...]
Conférence Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, [...]
Journal PLoS ONE [CiteScore 2017: 3,01] Boucheham, Anouar, Vivien Sommard, Farida [...]
Romain Brault soutient sa thèse de doctorat: "Régression à [...]
Journal IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology [CiteScore 2017: 5,89] Dabladji, [...]
Journal IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering [CiteScore 2017: 4,82] [...]
Abdelkader Bellarbi soutient sa thèse de doctorat le mercredi [...]
Conférence IEEE Virtual Reality, VR [QUALIS A2] Bouyer, Guillaume, Amine [...]
Omar A. Galarraga soutient sa thèse de doctorat: "Simulation [...]
Journal Gait and Posture [CiteScore 2017: 2,79] Galarraga, C. Omar A., [...]
Journal Medical Image Analysis [CiteScore 2017: 5,67] Romain, Blandine, Laurence Rouet, [...]