Publications à fort impact du mois de décembre 2016
Journal International Journal of Human-Computer Studies [CiteScore 2016: 3,14] Chellali, Amine, [...]
Journal International Journal of Human-Computer Studies [CiteScore 2016: 3,14] Chellali, Amine, [...]
Journal Journal of Cleaner Production [CiteScore 2016: 5,83] Wang, Shijin, Ming [...]
Conférence IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems [...]
Conférence Adjunct IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality [...]
Conférence International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing - [...]
Revue Nucleic Acids Research [CiteScore 2016: 9,28] Tav, Christophe, Sébastien [...]
Revue Applied Mathematical Modelling [CiteScore 2016: 3,03] Lerbet, Jean, Noël [...]
Revue International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control [CiteScore 2016: [...]
Conférence AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence - AAAI [ERA A][QUALIS [...]
Revue International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems [CiteScore [...]