Publications à fort impact du mois de décembre 2015
Revue Mathematical Modelling [CiteScore 2015: 2,67] Lerbet, Jean, Noël Challamel, [...]
Revue Mathematical Modelling [CiteScore 2015: 2,67] Lerbet, Jean, Noël Challamel, [...]
Conférence ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology [...]
Révue IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics [CiteScore 2015: 9,47] Ichalal, [...]
Conférence International Conference on Automated Deduction - CADE [ERA A][QUALIS [...]
Revue Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communications Society [CiteScore 2015: [...]
Revue Omega [CiteScore 2015: 5,17] Feng, Chenpeng, Feng Chu, Jingjing [...]
Revue Computers in Industry [CiteScore 2015: 2,82] Lyu, Yongqiang, Jiaming [...]
Revue Nucleic Acids Research [CiteScore 2015: 9,48] Chatagnon, Amandine, Philippe [...]
Revue Bioinformatics [CiteScore 2015: 6,06] Heinonen, Markus, Olivier Guipaud, Fabien [...]
Revue Pattern Recognition [CiteScore 2015: 4,83] Solnon, Christine, Guillaume Damiand, [...]