Publications à fort impact du mois de mars 2014
Revue Surgical Endoscopy [CiteScore 2014: 3,03] Olasky, Jaisa, Amine Chellali, [...]
Revue Surgical Endoscopy [CiteScore 2014: 3,03] Olasky, Jaisa, Amine Chellali, [...]
Revue Nonlinear Dynamics [CiteScore 2014: 3,07] Pascal, Madeleine. « Sticking and [...]
Conférence Conference on Decision and Control - CDC [ERA A] [...]
Revue Gait & Posture [CiteScore 2013: 2,94] Desailly, Eric, Abdennour [...]
Revue IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part [...]
Conférence International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IJCAI [ERA [...]
Conférence The American Control Conference - ACC [QUALIS A1] Nehaoua, [...]
Revus Bioinformatics [CiteScore 2013: 5,78] Lim, Néhémy, Yasin Senbabaoglu, George [...]
Revus IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology [CiteScore 2013: 4,23] Nguyen-Vuong, [...]
Revus Applied Mathematical Modelling [CiteScore 2013: 2,73] Zhu, Zhanguo, Feng [...]