Publications à fort impact du mois de mars 2013
Revus IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems [CiteScore 2013: 4,99] [...]
Revus IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems [CiteScore 2013: 4,99] [...]
Conférence International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications [...]
Revue Bioinformatics [CiteScore 2013: 5,78] Mendes, Nuno D, Frédéric Lang, Yves-Stan [...]
Conférence IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - CDC [QUALIS [...]
Revue IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part [...]
Revue IEEE Wireless Communications [CiteScore 2012: 4,99] Agoulmine, Nazim, Kihyun [...]
Revue BMC Bioinformatics [CiteScore 2012: 3,24] Tempel, Sébastien, Nicolas Pollet, [...]
Conférence Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference - COCOON [ERA [...]
Revue Nucleic Acids Research [CiteScore 2012: 8,62] Tempel, Sébastien, et [...]
Revue IEEE Communications Magazine [CiteScore 2012: 5,73] Agoulmine, Nazim, Pradeep [...]