Anne-Laure GUINET (PhD, Évry University, IBISC laboratory/Poidatz Foundation) receives an award from the GDR IG-RV 2023 thesis prize!

/, Events, In the Headlines, IRA2 team/Anne-Laure GUINET (PhD, Évry University, IBISC laboratory/Poidatz Foundation) receives an award from the GDR IG-RV 2023 thesis prize!

Anne-Laure GUINET (PhD, Évry University, IBISC laboratory/Poidatz Foundation) receives an award from the GDR IG-RV 2023 thesis prize!

Anne-Laure GUINET (PhD, Évry University, IBISC laboratory/Poidatz foundation) has been awarded the GDR IG-RV 2023 Thesis Prize for her doctoral thesis entitled: “Multimodal sensory feedback in augmented reality for gait rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy“, completed under the supervision of Samir Otmane, Guillaume Bouyer and Éric Desailly!

The thesis prize will be awarded at the Journées Françaises de l’Informatique Graphique, on November 8-10 in Montpellier.

  • Anne-Laure GUINET (PhD CIFRE Univ. Évry/Fondation Poidatz, IBISC équipe IRA2)
  • Thesis supervisors: Samir OTMANE (PR IUT Évry, IBISC équipe IRA2), Guillaume BOUYER (MCF ENSIIE, IBISC équipe IRA2), Éric DESSAILLY (Director of Research and Innovation, Fondation Poidatz)
  • Link to Anne-Laure GUINET’s thesis defense
    GDR IG-RV website
2024-06-15T20:55:07+02:00 November 7th, 2023|Awards, Events, In the Headlines, IRA2 team|0 Comments
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