EVR@ plateform 2024-06-21T12:22:19+02:00

Project Description

The EVR@ (Environnements Virtuels et de Réalité Augmentée – Virtual and Augmented Reality Environments) technology platform, inaugurated in May 2004 in the presence of representatives of its various funding bodies (UEVE, Conseil Général de l’Essonne, CNRS), is the Virtual and Augmented Reality platform of the Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne; it is also one of the 22 technology platforms and technical platforms referenced by Genopole ®. EVR@ is fully in line with the UEVE’s essential missions: research, teaching and promotion to a wide public (researchers, industrialists, students, high school students and families).

Current EVR@ materials

Virtual and Augmented Reality headsets

  • METAQuest3
  • HP Reverb G2
  • Hololens 2
  • Oculus Quest2
  • Oculus Rift-S
  • HTC Vive Pro
  • HTC Vive Pro Eye
  • Oculus DK2

EVR@ platform – Force feedback and tactile systems

  • Phantom Omni 3ddl
  • Haption Viruose 6ddl
  • Gilet haptique Skinetic
  • Gants de données Hi5 VR Glove

EVR@ platform – Infrared tracking systems and reflective balls

  • 3 ARTTrack1 cameras, on EVR@ HumanScale (2004-2018)
  • 4 OPTITRACK cameras, Natural Motion (EVR@-Robotics)
  • 4 OPTITRACK cameras (EVR@-Immersive)

EVR@ platform – Multi-touch system, IRMBio Genopole 22011 project

EVR@ Platform – Tracking system

  • MVN-AWINDA system, XSens, 17 acceleration sensors, distributed over body joints, with MVNS-BIOM-L-D tracking software – MVNStudio BIOMECH Lifetime, 2017.

History of the EVR@ platform

Before EVR@ … ARITI project,(1997-2003)

EVR@ Human-Scale platform (2004-2007)

  • Active HD stereoscopic visualization by rear projection on a 3.2m x 2.4m semi-transparent screen.
  • Hand and head tracking using 2 ARTRACK1 IR cameras coupled with A.R.T.’s DTRACK1 software and two Flystick1.
  • VIRTOOLS software development platform

EVR@ Human-Scale Platform and EVR@ Transportable Platform (2008-2013)

  • Addition of a second node (transportable system) to test collaborative 3d interaction models.
  • Addition of Human-Scale effort feedback using the SPIDAR system.
    VIRTOOLS software development platform

EVR@ immersive platform, MOBILYZ system, REALYZ company, 2015-

EVR@ platform – Robotics (1997-2013)

  • 5ddl calibration bench, LSC laboratory, ARITI project slave site
  • FANUC LRMate 200i robot, ARITI project slave site

EVR@ Platform – Underwater Robotics, ANR projects DIGITAL OCEAN (2006-2009) and DIGITAL OCEAN EU (2011-2012)

  • DOLPHYN visualization system, in collaboration with ARIPA, UFR-ST, Univ. Évry and project partner VIRTUAL DIVE.

EVR@ platform – Humanoid robotics, 2012 academic project-

EVR@ platform – GLISS4ALL academic project

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