IBISC contributes to the University of Evry’s Immersion Days on Friday, February 16, 2024!
IBISC is contributing to the University of Evry 2024 [...]
IBISC is contributing to the University of Evry 2024 [...]
Title: Collaborative interaction and multimodality for medical training in [...]
Visit by Professor Kamal YOUCEF-TOUMI (MIT) to IBISC laboratory, [...]
Title: Generative Models of 3D and 4D Shapes Abstract [...]
Quentin PICARD will defend his doctoral thesis on Wednesday [...]
Ghiath ABDULMALEK is defending his doctoral thesis on Monday, [...]
Journal International Journal of Production Economics [CS2022=19,3] Liu, Ming, Tao [...]
Alexandre HEUILLET defends his doctoral thesis on Monday December [...]
Title: AI applied in Robotics and one proper software [...]
Anne-Laure GUINET (PhD, Évry University, IBISC laboratory/Poidatz foundation) has [...]