Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Upper Limb Self-Rehabilitation Assistance System after Stroke
Introductory video
Keywords :Human-Computer Interaction; Virtual Reality; Motor Rehabilitation; Serious Games.
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a disease that affects 120,000 patients a year in France, about half of whom retain functional after-effects. Among motor deficits, paresis of the upper limb is the most common. Motor recovery is variable and uncertain, and can only be achieved through rehabilitation based on repetitive, intensive, task-oriented exercises. Moreover, rehabilitation must be carried out as early and as long as possible. This lengthy process faces a number of difficulties, including lack of access to care for some patients, declining financial and human resources, discouragement among patients and reduced adherence to their treatment, and the almost systematic decline in patients’ motor skills once rehabilitation is stopped and not compensated for by daily activity.
The IBISC laboratory and the Centre de Rééducation Fonctionnelle Les Trois Soleils are leading the “CESAAR-AVC” ERDF project. The aim is to design, develop and evaluate a system to assist home self-education of the upper limb after stroke. This interactive, easy-to-use, low-cost system comprises a device for capturing arm movements and a software program for practicing exercises based on virtual reality and video games, and for monitoring the patient’s activities. The aim is to complement inpatient care by continuing rehabilitation on discharge but also to offer rehabilitation to patients who do not have access to therapeutic services.
Izountar Y., Benbelkacem S., Otmane S., Khababa A., Masmoudi M., Zenati N. (2022). VR-PEER: A Personalized Exer-Game Platform Based on Emotion Recognition. Electronics 11(3):455. [DOI] [HAL]
Grosmaire, A.G., David, L., Koeppel, T., Bouyer, G., Otmane, S, Pila, O., & Duret, C. (2020). Usability of a user-centered virtual reality system for upper limb motor rehabilitation in chronic stroke patients. WFNR&SOFMER Congress 2020. [HAL]
David, L. (2019). Conception et évaluation d’un système de réalité virtuelle pour l’assistance à l’auto-rééducation motrice du membre supérieur post-AVC. Thèse de l’Université Paris-Saclay, Université d’Évry Val-d’Essonne, 2019. [HAL]
David, L., Bouyer, G., Otmane, S (2017). Towards a low-cost interactive system for motor self-rehabilitation after stroke. International Journal of Virtual Reality (IJVR), 17 (2):40-45 [DOI] [HAL]
David, L., Bouyer, G. & Otmane, S. (2017). Towards an upper limb self-rehabilitation assistance system after stroke, 19th ACM Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC), Laval, 22-24 mars 2017. [DOI] [HAL]
IBISC Laboratory
The research carried out by the IRA2 team (www.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/en/ira2) in the IBISC laboratory aims to support users’ 3D interactions (navigation, selection, manipulation, and control tasks) in virtual or augmented environments. Approaches include multimodal feedback (visual, audio and haptic), manual, gestural & tactile control, interaction adaptability and user-centered design. The work is implemented and evaluated on IBISC’s EVR@ Virtual Reality platform.
IBISC project members
- Guillaume BOUYER (Assistant professor ENSIIE, IBISC IRA2 team)
- Amine CHELLALI (Assistant professor Univ. Évry Université Paris-Saclay, IBISC IRA2 team)
- Frédéric DAVESNE (Research Engineer Univ. Évry Université Paris-Saclay, IBISC)
- Ludovic DAVID (Post-doctoral FEDER CESSAR-AVC)
- Jonathan DEGAND (Engineer, Fin. FEDER CESAAR-AVC)
- Jean-Yves DIDIER(Assistant professor Univ. Évry Université Paris-Saclay, IBISC IRA2 team)
- Guillaume LOUP (Assistant professor Univ. Évry Université Paris-Saclay, IBISC IRA2 team)
- Samir OTMANE (Full professor Univ. Évry Université Paris-Saclay, IBISC IRA2 team)
- Matthis PILLONNEL (Engineer, Fin. FEDER CESAAR-AVC)
- Hédi TABIA (Full professor Univ. Évry Université Paris-Saclay, IBISC IRA2 team)
- IRA2 team web page: https://www.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/en/equipe/ira2/
Center de Rééducation Fonctionnelle (CRF) “Les Trois Soleils”
“Les Trois Soleils” is a rehabilitation clinic focusing on locomotor and neurological disorders. It has developed expertise in the management of neurological sequelae during hospital stays, as well as through regular follow-up consultations, some of which are specialized (neurological pain, spasticity with botulinum toxin injection, neuro-orthopedics).
The Boissise-le-Roi facility boasts a vast 2,000 m² technical platform for rehabilitation, including balneotherapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy. It is also the 1st center in France to use robots for upper limb rehabilitation.
In addition, the Clinique Les Trois Soleils has developed a number of innovative patient care modalities designed to help patients return home. The establishment has developed a Mobile Rehabilitation Team and is also promoting a Hospitalisation A Domicile project. The facility is also promoting a physical education instructor (APA) project for neurological patients discharged from hospital, who will continue their physical activity in “commercial” city gyms; this is the subject of a monograph currently being drawn up by ANAP (Agence Nationale d’Appui à la Performance des établissements de santé et médico-sociaux) to identify pilot SSR facilities.
The Clinique Les Trois Soleils is one of the few French establishments to have passed all its certification visits over the last 15 years, without ever having received a single reservation or recommendation from the HAS.
Les Trois Soleils” project members
- Paul GOBIN (Director)
- Christophe DURET (Physician, Head of Neurological Rehabilitation Department)
- Anne-Gaëlle GROSMAIRE (ARC occupational therapist)
- Catherine MAULNY (Head of technical support)
- Typhaine KOEPPEL (Research engineer)
- Petra BREUCKMANN (Research Associate)
- Occupational therapy team
- Website http://www.les-trois-soleils.fr/