Group leaders

  • Responsable : Guillaume HUTZLER (MCF HDR Univ. Évry)
  • Responsable-adjointe: Hanna KLAUDEL (PR Univ. Évry)

Research Activities

The COSMO (COmmunications Spécifications Models) team studies the fundamental properties of computer and biological systems and, more generally, the behavior of reactive, decentralized and open dynamic systems. Within this framework, it is concerned with the specification and analysis of these systems, as well as with their design. The team is characterized by continuity between fundamental and applied research, with significant theoretical advances, methodological developments, the production of software tools, applications to real-life problems, and the creation of industrial links. The team’s research is structured along two lines.

  1. An applicative approach focused on societal problems (personalized medicine, vehicles of the future, Internet of the future, etc.) for which new theoretical or methodological frameworks need to be defined.
  2. Work rooted in a “core competency” theory that may have spin-offs in the first direction and find their application there. This dual orientation favors the production of software and methodological tools, both to enable application and as a validation of the theory.

Keywords :

formal modeling and analysis, proof, Petri nets, process algebras, Boolean networks, automata networks, modal logic, array methods, entity-centered simulation, precision personalized medicine, communicating autonomous vehicles, systems biology, Internet of future, autonomic networks, multi-agents

Application areas

In the area of personalized and precision medicine, one of the main goals is the design of decision support software for diagnosis and therapy. In this perspective, the main challenge is the lack of methods to interpret the data of the “omic”. Focusing on the prediction of therapeutic targets based on the analysis of molecular networks, we formalized adapted theoretical frameworks in order to infer the causal targets responsible for phenotypic transition (healthy / sick). Our methodology is implemented in a set of software tools based on game theory and abduction principles applied to Boolean networks.

We also worked on the modeling, simulation and formal verification of decision modules of autonomous and communicating vehicles. We have proposed in this framework an original, scalable and parametric modeling in timed automata and also a modeling of multi-agent simulation, both of which make it possible to evaluate the aspects of security, fluidity and comfort of various decision policies. We have shown in particular, by developing a comparison between these two approaches, what impact the level of abstraction chosen on the indicators considered had. Our simulation method has been implemented in a plugin for the Gama simulator.

We are also interested in Cloud Computing and IoT (Internet of Things) technologies in the context of the Internet of the Future. The deployment of these technologies involves many problems of great complexity. We then proposed several approaches to the modeling of these problems in order to relax some constraints by a better understanding of the specificities of these technologies and their use. We also addressed the problem of holistic and autonomic control of a converging “Cloud IoT” environment meeting the time and processing resource requirements for collecting data from thousands of potentially deployed sensors in the environment. Finally, we proposed a modeling based on Petri nets autonomic mechanisms to manage the elasticity of resources in the Cloud, whose analysis was conducted using our SNAKES tool.

Other applications were studied. In particular we proposed a formal framework for modeling and analysis of distributed storage systems, for example cache hierarchies in high performance computing architectures in collaboration with the CEA. More recently, a collaboration with INRA Montpellier has started on ecosystem modeling and analysis.

Research funding

COSMO obtained funding for SYNBIOTIC project aiming on the synthesis of biological organisms using computation such as compilation (white program, 2010-2014, 242k€), and SVEDAS aiming on modeling and verification of sensitive systems to data (JCJC program, 2017-2019, 174k€).


COSMO organized and hosted international symposiums on topics whose team is recognized for its expertise: ADVANCE, L&G (logic & games, 2017), CBSC, EUMAS.


In 2014, Nazim Agoulmine was promoted IEEE Distinguished Lecturer to represent IEEE ComSoc through a set of invited lectures organized by National and Local Sections; in 2018, he received the IEEE Communication Society Outstanding Service Award (awarding his contributions for the targets of the scholarly IEEE Communication).

Software development

The ActONetLib library provides a set of functions for the inference of therapeutic targets in precision medicine.

As part of the eCo-FEV project (efficient Cooperative Infrastructure for Fully Electric Vehicles, with Renault, CEA, Hitachi Europe, Technical University of Berlin, etc.) on autonomous electric vehicles, a software program was developed within IBISC to compute safe navigation instructions from a route proposal, while guaranteeing the tolerance to network loss and execution of navigation instructions, allowing real-time local recalculation of alternative routes, and taking into account the constraints of using an electric car.

The MOST platform enables the orchestration of complex virtualized services in a federated cloud computing infrastructure, it was initially developed as part of the European Easi-Cloud project and then deployed in 3 countries (France, Brazil and Uruguay) as part of the project. AmSud SLA4CLOUD.

SNAKES is a very general library dedicated to the handling Petri nets of all kinds, it has been developed for more than 15 years and is now used in many institutions in France and abroad, for research or for teaching.

2013-2017 collaborations

On the Evry site, our work in personalized medicine fits directly into the priority scientific areas of the UEVE and Genopole and we collaborate with the I-STEM laboratory specialized in stem cells and mono-genic diseases. In addition, we also collaborate with the Curie Institute, and with the BIOINFO team of LRI and INRIA Paris-Saclay for the theoretical aspects. Finally, the members involved in this theme are part of the Paris-Saclay UPsay-CompBio network / project intended to federate interdisciplinary actions around the study of cancer and these therapies, and at the national level of GT BIOSS.

At Paris-Saclay, we also collaborate with IRT / SystemX on the work on vehicles, and with the LSV (ENS Paris-Saclay) concerning ATL* through the ALESSO research project carried out by COSMO. At the Ile-de-France level (administrative district in France), a large part of the team is involved in the MeFoSyLoMa working group, which brings together researchers in formal methods. MeFoSyLoMa organizes a monthly seminar as well as common actions such as the organization of symposiums, schools, or the publication of books.

The team also maintains numerous international collaborations with renowned researchers: Valentin Goranko, Stockholm; Maciej Koutny, Newcastle; Raymond Devillers, Brussels; Marta Cialdea Mayer, Rome; Bozena Wozna-Szczesniak, Czestochowa; Benjamin Moszkowski, Newcastle; Alessio Lumuscio, London; Wiebe van der Hoek, Liverpool; Aniello Murano, Naples.

Finally, we are working with industry such as Thales, Renault, and Hitachi Europe.

Link with academic graduations

Team members are involved in two courses of the IT master of the Paris-Saclay University:
  • networked systems architecture of the IT master, directed by Franck Pommereau;
  • software engineering for the web of the MIAGE master, directed by Bachir Djafri.

We teach in these courses, as well as in the course design and intelligence software and systems of the IT master, in the course genomics informatics and mathematics for health and environment of the master of bioinformatics, and in the course systems and synthetic Biology of the master of integrative biology and physiology.

In addition, Hanna Klaudel is Assistant Director of the STIC Graduate School at Paris-Saclay University.

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