- Journal International Journal of Production Economics [CiteScore 2022: 19,3]
He, Junkai, Feng Chu, Alexandre Dolgui, et Miguel Anjos. « Multi-objective disassembly line balancing and related supply chain management problems under uncertainty: Review and future trends ». International Journal of Production Economics 272 : 109257, june 2024. [ DOI ] [ HAL IBISC ]
- Journal Computers and Operations Research [CiteScore 2022: 8,3]
Che, Ada, Jing Li, Feng Chu, et Chengbin Chu. « Optimizing emergency supply pre-positioning for disaster relief: A two-stage distributionally robust approach ». Computers and Operations Research 166 : 106607, june 2024. [ DOI ] [ HAL IBISC ]
- Conference IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management – MDM [ERA C, QUALIS A2,CORE C]
Bouabba, Saloua, Karine Zeitouni, Bassem Haidar, Nazim Agoulmine, et Zaineb Chelly Dagdia. « Federated TimeGAN for Privacy Preserving Synthetic Trajectory Generation ». In 25th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2024), 301‑6. Brussels, Belgium: IEEE, 2024. [ DOI ] [ HAL IBISC ]
“High impact” here means: “Publications in journals ranked in the top 10% of CiteScoreMetrics, conference publications ranked A according to the ERA indicator and/or ranked A1/A2 according to the QUALIS indicator (http://www.conferenceranks.com/) and/or ranked A/A* according to the CORE indicator (http://portal.core.edu.au/conf-ranks/) or patents”.