ANR JCJC project SHOW-ME: “Virtual reality mentee-mentor multimodal collaboration for surgical skills training”, 2021-2025

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ANR JCJC project SHOW-ME: “Virtual reality mentee-mentor multimodal collaboration for surgical skills training”, 2021-2025 2024-06-18T14:09:00+02:00

Project Description


Traditionally, medical interns are trained based on the companion model, practicing on patients during hospital internships supervised by experts. However, for ethical and patient safety reasons, as concluded by the Haute Autorité de Santé 2012 report “never the first time on the patient, ” the development of new innovative medical training programs and techniques based on simulation is becoming necessary and urgent. Simultaneously, simulators based on virtual reality technologies can ensure this transition. However, the development of these technologies is complex and potentially costly. It is, therefore, necessary to focus their design and use on the actual training needs of healthcare professionals.

The aim of the Show-Me project is to design multimodal and collaborative interaction techniques and innovative user interfaces enabling an expert tutor to share skills, supervise and guide a learner through a collaborative virtual reality training environment for better transfer of technical medical skills. The proposed techniques and interfaces will be used to develop collaborative, multimodal tele-mentoring spaces and tools that better match practitioners’ current training needs.

A user-centered design approach will be used to achieve these goals, involving all stakeholders (experts, instructors, and learners) throughout the design process. This will be facilitated by local collaboration with a medical simulation center and university hospitals.

To foster the development of this research both locally and on a national and international level, the Show-Me project will be coordinated by an expert in the design of collaborative and medical training systems, who will be accompanied by a team of well-established researchers with diverse complementary expertise (interaction design, collaborative virtual environments, multimodal interactions, user studies, human factors) as well as a clinical expert and researcher in medical training and his team, whose contribution is of great importance to this research.

This research will improve our understanding of tutor-learner interactions, the process of transferring technical medical skills and, more generally, multimodal communication in virtual environments. The success of this project will foster the development of a new generation of innovative medical training systems and methods. This should improve the quality of training for medical students. In the long term, it will also have a broader impact on patient safety, care delivery and healthcare costs.

In addition to medical training, the results will extract guidelines for designing multimodal tele-mentoring systems that can be used in other application areas, such as industry.

  • Project leader: Amine CHELLALI (Assistant professor Univ. Évry, IBISC IRA2 team)
  • IBISC partners: LabForSIMS, LIMSI, LS2N
  • Amount of ANR funding for IBISC: approx. €250k
  • Project dates: 01/03/2021-28/02/2025
  • IBISC project website

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