ANR Project DRIFT-HF: « Digitalization – Risks, (U)ncertainties and Fragilities of Technologies in relation to the Human Factor» 2022-2026

/, IRA2 team projects, Projects/ANR Project DRIFT-HF: « Digitalization – Risks, (U)ncertainties and Fragilities of Technologies in relation to the Human Factor» 2022-2026
ANR Project DRIFT-HF: « Digitalization – Risks, (U)ncertainties and Fragilities of Technologies in relation to the Human Factor» 2022-2026 2024-06-18T23:04:16+02:00

Project Description

Societal context

The Covid-19 pandemic, by reducing physical exchanges, led to unprecedented peaks in digital usage and data security breaches. The Internet of Things, Big Data, mobility, and teleworking, amplify cybersecurity risks. Healthcare and defense have similar constraints and digital uses, including ensuring data reliability and confidentiality. Through a cross-disciplinary approach (cognitive, social, technical, ethical, and legal issues) to security, from design to use, our aim is to demonstrate the benefits of considering people as full members of a complex system who must adapt to their vulnerabilities to increase system security and resilience.


Recommendations for better integrating human factors from the design stage onwards will be put forward, along with a targeted immersive educational program to change user behavior.

  • Project leader: Amine CHELLALI (Associate professor Univ. Évry, IBISC IRA2 team)
  • IBISC institutional partners: Fondation Saint Cyr, CREC, IRBA, PSYCLE/InCIAM, HEUDIASYC, COSTECH
    Amount of ANR funding for IBISC: €138 k
    Project dates: 01/02/2022 – 31/01/2026

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