Title: Reflections on my Scientific Journey
Embark on a journey through my scientific experiences, reflecting on topics from humble beginnings to moments of growth and lessons learned. Join me in exploring key milestones, overcoming challenges, and sharing the stories shaping this intellectual adventure.
The Évry University is hosting Professor Kamal YOUCEF-TOUMI, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) specializing in robotics and intelligent systems (https://oge.mit.edu/profiles/kamal-youcef-toumi/), as part of a consultancy mission on aspects of valorizing research. In this context, a 3-day program, from January 24 to 26, 2024, with academic and industrial partners around innovation and techno transfer is organized by the Research and International Relations Department – DRRI- of the University of Evry.
This seminar is specially designed for doctoral students.
- Date: 24/01/2024, 2pm
- Location: IBISC, Pelvoux site, Amphithéâtre Y. Bestaoui Bx30
- IBISC Guest: Hichem ARIOUI (VP International Relations, Univ. Évry, MCF HDR Univ. Évry, IBISC SIAM team)
- See Kamal YOUCEF-TOUMI’s announcement on the Évry University website.