Title: AD/ADAS system design and validation by simulation/resimulation
presentation outline
- Overview of Renault AD/ADAS functions
- Technical and regulatory requirements
AD/ADAS validation process - Validation by simulation/resimulation
- Exchange / discussion
Short biography of the speaker
Tran Quang-Quyen is RENAULT’s ADAS-AD project manager and PO (Product Owner), responsible for re-simulation, data mining and AI machine learning. He is responsible for validation of embedded and real-time systems.
- Date: 15/06/2023, 14h
- Location: IBISC, site Pelvoux, Amphithéâtre Y.Bestaoui – Bx30, see the seminar by Zoom: https://univ-evry-fr.zoom.us/j/97319556299?pwd=cTBPZkx6aXJrQ3gxd0hwbUlZOTc0Zz09
- Guest: Sofiane AHMED-ALI (Assistant professor Univ. Évry, IBISC SIAM team)
Organizer: Naïma AITOUFROUKH-MAMMAR (Assistant professor Univ. Évry, IBISC SIAM team)