L’article: « Lateral control for autonomous wheeled vehicles: A technical review » publié dans la revue Asian Journal of Control est l’un des articles les plus téléchargés!!!

/, Equipe SIAM, Publications à fort impact, Recherche, Récompenses/L’article: « Lateral control for autonomous wheeled vehicles: A technical review » publié dans la revue Asian Journal of Control est l’un des articles les plus téléchargés!!!

    L’article: « Lateral control for autonomous wheeled vehicles: A technical review » publié dans la revue Asian Journal of Control est l’un des articles les plus téléchargés!!!

    Yassine KEBBATINaïma AÏT OUFROUKHDalil ICHALAL et Vincent VIGNERON ont co-écrit un article publié en 2023 dans la revue Asian Journal of Control et reconnu par la revue comme l’un des plus téléchargés.

    La revue Asian Journal of Control est classée Top Ranked 10% dans CiteScoreMetrics en 2022.

    Titre: Lateral control for autonomous wheeled vehicles: A technical review


    Autonomous driving has the ability to reshape mobility and transportation by reducing road accidents, traffic jams, and air pollution. This can yield energy efficiency, convenience, and more productivity as significant driving time will be gained and used in other activities instead. Autonomous vehicles are complex systems consisting of several modules that perform perception, decision-making, planning, and control. Control is essential for achieving automatic driving; it is basically divided into longitudinal control that handles speed tracking and lateral control which ensures accurate steering. The latter is primordial in path tracking applications and recent research has witnessed a huge leap in this field. The aim of this paper is to provide a technical survey of the latest research on the lateral control of autonomous vehicles as well as to highlight technical challenges and limits for further developments.

    • Co-auteurs IBISC: Yassine KEBBATINaïma AÏT OUFROUKHDalil ICHALALVincent VINERON
    • La revue Asian Journal of Control est classée par la BD SCOPUS de Elsevier come étant parmi les 10% meilleurs Cite Score en 2022, dans le domaine scientifique concerné. CiteScore 2022: 5,1
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