- Journal Information Sciences [CS2021=12,1]
Cheng, Jun, Ju Park, et Mohammed Chadli. « Peak-to-peak fuzzy filtering of nonlinear discrete-time systems with markov communication protocol ». Information Sciences 607 : 361‑76, août 2022. [ DOI ][HAL IBISC]
- Journal IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering [CS2021=8,1]
Guinet, Anne-Laure, Guillaume Bouyer, Samir Otmane, et Éric Desailly. « Visual feedback in Augmented Reality to walk at predefined speed. Cross-sectional study including children with cerebral palsy ». IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 30: 2322‑31, août 2022. [ DOI ][HAL IBISC]
- Journal IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics [CS2021=6,6]
Aghamiri, Sara Sadat, et Franck Delaplace. « TaBooN – Boolean Network Synthesis Based on Tabu Search ». IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 19, no 4 : 2499‑2511, juillet-août 2022. [ DOI ][HAL IBISC]
- Conférence International Conference on Pattern Recognition – ICPR [ERA B, QUALIS A1, CORE2021 B]
Khairallah, Mahmoud, Fabien Bonardi, David Roussel, et Samia Bouchafa. « Flow-Based Line Detection and Segmentation for Neuromorphic Vision Sensors ». In 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2022), 3603‑10. Montreal, Canada: IEEE, août 2022. [ DOI ][HAL IBISC]
- Conférence International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing – Euro-Par [QUALIS A2]
Angel, Eric, Sébastien Morais, et Damien Regnault. « A Bi-Criteria FPTAS for Scheduling with Memory Constraints on Graphs with Bounded Tree-Width ». In 28th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2022), 13440:136‑51. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Glasgow, El Salvador: Springer International Publishing, août 2022. [ DOI ][HAL IBISC]
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