- Revue Journal of Industrial Information Integration [Q1, CS2022=19,6]
Zhang, Yu, Zeqiang Zhang, Feng Chu et Saïd Mammar (2025) « A hybrid constraint programming and cross-entropy approach for balancing U-Shaped disassembly line with flexible workstations and spatial constraints », Journal of Industrial Information Integration 45:100817, mai 2025. [DOI ] [ HAL IBISC ]
- Revue Transportation Research Part B: Methodological [Q1, CS2022=12,8]
Liu, Ming, Zhongzheng Liu, Feng Chu, Feifeng Zheng et Alexandre Dolgui (2025) « Dynamic structural adaptation for building viable supply chains under super disruption events », Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 195:103190, mai 2025. [DOI ] [ HAL IBISC ]
- Conférence ICRA – IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation [ERA=A, QUALIS=A1, CORE=B]
Wang, Genmeng, Rémi Chalard, Jenny Alexandra Cifuentes-Quintero et Minh Tu Pham (2025) « Physics-Informed Hybrid Modeling of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles », IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2025), Atlanta, United States, mai 2025. [ HAL IBISC ].
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