Le professeur Krzysztof Kozłowski (Université de technologie de Poznan, Pologne) propose un séminaire le jeudi 28 novembre 2019, 14h, site Pelvoux, amphithéâtre Bx30.
Titre: Flatness based control of 2D and 3D crane.
We propose a two- and three-dimensional crane systems. We prove that each representant of the described class is feedback equivalent to the second order chained form with drift. In consequence, we prove that it is differentially flat. Then we investigate its control properties and derive a control law for tracking control problem. [document PDF de l’article associé à ce séminaire]
Biographie: [document PDF]
- Date: 28/11/2019, 14h00
- Lieu: IBISC, site Pelvoux, Amphithéâtre Bx30.
- Organisatrice: Naïma AÏT OUFROUKH-MAMMAR (MCF Univ. Evry, IBISC équipe SIAM)