a. Journal
- Lotfi Tamazirt, Farid Alilat, Nazim Agoulmine (2021). "A
novel advanced 3D-IPS based on mmWaves and SOM-MLP neural network".
Trans. Emerg. Telecommun. Technol. 32(11) (2021)
- Olfa Chabbouh, Sonia Ben Rejeb, Nidal Nasser, Nazim
Agoulmine, Zièd Choukair (2020). "Novel Cloud-RRH Architecture
With Radio Resource Management and QoS Strategies for 5G HetNets".
IEEE Access 8: 164815-164832 (2020)
- Amel Khodmi, Sonia Ben Rejeb Chaouch, Nazim Agoulmine,
Zièd Choukair (2019). "A Joint Power Allocation and User
Association Based on Non-Cooperative Game Theory in a
Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Network”. Int Journal IEEE Access 7:
111790-111800 (2019)
- Mamoun Mardini, Youssef Iraqi, and Nazim Agoulmine
(2019). “A Survey of Healthcare Monitoring Systems for
Chronically Ill Patients and Elderly”. Journal of Medical
Systems, 43(3), March 2019. doi:10.1007/s10916-019-1165-0. URL
- Abbes Amira, Nazim Agoulmine, Faycal Bensaali, Amine
Bermak, and George Dimitrakopoulos (2019). “Special Issue:
Empowering eHealth with Smart Internet of Things (IoT) Medical
Devices”. Journal of sensor and actuator networks, 8(2):33,
June 2019. doi: 10.3390/jsan8020033. URL
- Rifi, Nabil & Agoulmine, Nazim & Chendeb Taher, Nada &
El Rachkidi, Elie. (2018). “Blockchain Technology: Is It a Good
Candidate for Securing IoT Sensitive Medical Data?”. Open
Access Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2018. 1-11.
- Carlos André Batista De Carvalho, Andrade Rossana Maria De Castro, Miguel
Franklin de Castro, Emanuel Ferreira Coutinho, and Nazim
Agoulmine., “State of the art and challenges of security SLA for
cloud computing”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, 59:141–152,
April 2017.
- Olfa Chabbouh, Sonia Ben Rejeb, Zièd Choukair, and Nazim
Agoulmine. “A strategy for joint service offloading and
scheduling in heterogeneous cloud radio access networks”.
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2017(1),
December 2017.
- Maallawi, R.; Agoulmine, N.; Radier, B.; ben Meriem, T., "A
comprehensive Survey on Offload techniques and management in
Wireless Access and Core Networks," Communications Surveys
& Tutorials, IEEE, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,1 doi:
10.1109/COMST.2014.2373356, Novembre 2014.
- Yongqiang Lyu, Jiaming Hong, Yiran Wei, Jijiang Yang,
Yida Tang, Wenyao Wang, Nazim Agoulmine, "Dynamic evaluation
model of coronary heart disease for ubiquitous healthcare",
Elsevier International Journal on Computers in Industry, ISSN
0166-3615,, Novembre
- Nada Chendeb Taher, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Bachar El-Hassan and Nazim
Agoulmine, «Towards voice/video application support in 802.11e
WLANs: A model-based admission control algorithm», publié dans
Communications International Journal,, October 2013.
- Lyu Y., Yan F., Chen Y., Wang D., SHI Y., Agoulmine N.,
"High-performance scheduling model for multisensor gateway of
cloud sensor system-based smart-living ", Elsevier
Information Fusion, Special Issue on Information Fusion in Smart
Living, April 2013
- Quoc-Thinh Nguyen-Vuong; Nazim Agoulmine; Ehadi Cherkaoui; Laura Toni, "Multicriteria
Optimization of Access Selection to Improve the Quality of
Experience in Heterogeneous Wireless Access Networks,"
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on , vol.62, no.4,
pp.1785,1800, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2012.2234772, May 2013
- Nazim Agoulmine, Pradeep Ray, Tsong-Ho Wu, “Communications
in ubiquitous healthcare”, guest editorial paper, IEEE
Communications Magazine 50(1), DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2012.6122527, pp 16-18,
January 2012.
- Nazim Agoulmine and Claudio Bartolini, "Effective
and Energy Efficient Management of Network and Services: A Report
on IM 2011", Springer International Journal of Network and
System Management, DOI:10.1007/s10922-012-9226-4, February 2012.
- Carlos Carvalho, Danielo Gomes, Nazim Agoulmine and Jose
Souza, "Improving Prediction Accuracy for WSN Data Reduction by
Applying Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Correlation."
International Journal on Sensors, special issue on Collaborative
Sensors", September 2011.
- Nazim Agoulmine, Jamal Deen, Jeong-soo Lee, Meyya
Meyyappan, "UHealth Smarthome - Innovative solutions for the
management of the elderly and chronic diseases." IEEE
Nanotechnology Magazine 1932-4510/11/$26.00-2011IEEE\", September
- Alaa Seddik-Ghaleb, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci, Nazim
Agoulmine: “Measurement of TCP computational and communication
energy cost in MANETs.”, Pervasive and Mobile Computing 7(1):
60-77 (2011).
- Nada Chendeb Taher, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Bachar El-Hassan and Nazim
Agoulmine "An Accurate Analytical Model for 802.11e EDCA under
Different Traffic Conditions with Contention Free Bursting,"
publié dans International Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and
Communications JCSNC/136585, 2011.
- Quoc-Thinh Nguyen-Vuong, Nazim Agoulmine, "Efficient Load Balancing
Algorithm over Heterogeneous Wireless Packet Networks" publié
dans REV International Journal on Electronics and Communications
(REV-JEC), Decembre. 2010.
- Pierre
Hai Dang Nguyen, Michel Marot, Nazim Agoulmine, Monique Becker, "WiMax
quality-of-service estimations and measurement", publié dans
International Computer Communication Journal, Novembre 2010.
- Hui Wang, Nazim Agoulmine, Ma Maode, "Network Lifetime
Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks", publié dans IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Septembre 2010.
- Sasitharan Balasubramaniam, Dmitri Botvich, Julien
Mineraud, William Donnelly, Nazim Agoulmine, “BiRSM:
Bio-inspired Resource Self-Management for All IP Networks”,
publié dans IEEE Network, Special Issue on Biologically Inspired
Networking, Mai 2010.
- Vamsi Gondi, Nazim Agoulmine, “Users and Network management for
Secure Interworking & Roaming in WiMAX, 3G and Wi-Fi networks
using RII Architecture”, CEPIS (Council of European
Professional Informatics Societies) UPGRADE website Vol. IX, issue
no. 6, 2009. En
- Hui Wang, Nazim Agoulmine, Maode Ma, Yajun Li, Xiaomin Wang, “Network
Lifetime Optimization by KKT Optimality Conditions in Wireless
Sensor Networks”, International Journal in Wireless
Personal Communications, ISSN 0929-6212, Springer editor, Volume
49, Issue2 (2009), Page 179. En ligne:
- Hui Wang, Di Wu, Nazim Agoulmine and Maode Ma, “Network
Lifetime Global Optimization for Multi-Source and Single-Sink
Topology in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal
of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2009. Q.Thinh Nguyen-Vuong, Nazim Agoulmine, Y. Ghamri, "A user-centric and
context-aware solution to interface management and access network
selection in heterogeneous wireless environments",
International Journal of Computer Networks, Elsevier editor, 2008.
En ligne:
- Hajer Derbel, Nazim Agoulmine, Mikael Salaun, “ANEMA: Autonomic
NEtwork Management Architecture to Support Self-configuration and
Self-optimization in IP Networks”, International Journal of
Computer Networks, Special Issue on Autonomic and Self-organising
Systems, 2008. En ligne:
- Riadh Kortebi, Yvon Gourhant, Nazim Agoulmine, “Interference-aware
SINR-based Routing: Algorithms and Evaluation”, ACM SIGMETRICS
Performance Evaluation Review, Volume 35 , Issue 3 ,
pp 40-42, ACM Portal, Dec 2007. En ligne:
- Samir Ghamri, Nazim Agoulmine, "Enhanced DHT-based P2P
architecture for effective resource discovery and management”,
International Journal of Network and Systems Management, Volume 15
, Issue 3, pp: 335 – 354, Plenum Press (NY),
ISSN:1064-7570, ACM Portal, Sept 2007. En ligne:
- Danielo Gomes, Nazim Agoulmine, Younès Bennani, J.N De Souza “Predictive
Connectionist Approach for VoD Bandwidth Management”, Computer
Communications International Journal, Volume 30 ,
Issue 10 , pp 2236-2247, Elsevier Publisher, ISSN:0140-3664, ACM
Portal, Jul 2007. En ligne:
- Q.Thinh Nguyen-Vuong, Nazim Agoulmine., "Inter-domain SLS negotiation
for End-to-End UMTS/IMS QoS", International Journal of Mobile
Multimedia (JMM), IMS Special Issue, Vol.3 No.2, pp 118-130,Rinton
Press Publisher (Princeton, New Jersey), ISSN:
1550-4646, ACM Portal, June 2007. En ligne:
- John Strassner, Nazim Agoulmine, & Elyes
Lehtihet, "A Novel Autonomic Computing Architecture",
International Transactions on Systems, Science and Applications
Journal, Vol 3, No 1, pp 64-79, ISSN 1751-1461, May 2007. En
- Q.Thinh Nguyen-Vuong, Nazim .Agoulmine, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, « Terminal-controlled
Mobility Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks», IEEE
Communication , Volume: 45, Issue:
4, pp 122-129, ISSN: 0163-6804, IEEE Press, April
2007. En ligne:
- Kamel Haddadou, Samir M. Ghamri-Doudane, Yacine .M.
Ghamri-Doudane, N. Agoulmine «Designing Scalable on Demand
Policy-based Resource Allocation in IP Networks», IEEE
Communications, Volume 44, Issue 3, pp 142–149, IEEE Press, March
2006. En ligne:
- Mauro
Nazim Agoulmine, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Nadjib Achir, Guy
Pujolle « Une nouvelle architecture de contrôle de réseaux
Diffsev basée sur la technologie réseau actif et les politiques”,
Annales of Telecommunications international journal, Vol. 59, n°5-6,
May-June 2004.
- Mauro Fonseca and Agoulmine Nazim "End to end IP QoS assurance
using policy based multi-agents SLA management systems",
International Journal of the Brazilian Telecommunications Society -
SbrT ,V.18, Brazil, July 2003
- Alan.Marshall, Nazim.Agoulmine, "An Agent-based
paradigm for managing service quality in open network environments",
Networking and Information Systems International Journal, pp
293-315, Volume 3-n°2, Hermes Publisher, 2000. En ligne:
- Najib Achir, Mauro Fonseca, Yacine Ghamri,
Nazim Agoulmine, Ahmed Mehaoua, "Active Networking System
Evaluation: A Practical Experience", Networking and
Information Systems International Journal, pp 431-448, Volume 3-n°1, Hermes Publisher, ISSN 1290-2926
ISBN 2-7462-0291-3, 2000. En ligne:
- Nazim Agoulmine, Dan Dragan, Thomas Gringel, Jane Hall,
Ema Rosa, Michael Tschichholz, "Trouble Management for Multimedia
Services in Multi-Provider Environments", International
Journal on Network and Service Management, Volume 8 , Issue 1,
pp 99-123, Plenum Press (NY), ISSN:1064-757, ACM Portal, Mars 2000.
En ligne:
b. French Journal Papers
- Nguyen-Vuong, Q.T. ;
Ghamri, Y. ; Q.T., Agoulmine, N. : «Fourniture de
services multimédia sans couture dans des environnements sans
fils hétérogènes : Projet ITEA SUMO», paru dans La
Lettre T.I. Réseaux sans fil - réf. RSF/447, Edition technique de
l'ingénieur, 2007
- Nguyen-Vuong, Q.T.,
Agoulmine, N.: « Solution de roaming et de mobilité
sécurisés WiFi, WiMax, 3G dans un contexte multi-opérateurs:
Projet Européen Celtic SEIMONET », paru dans La Lettre
T.I. Réseaux sans fil - réf. RSF/447, Edition technique de
l'ingénieur, 2006.
- Kortebi, R.;
Gourhant, Y. & Agoulmine, N. : "Métriques de routage dans
les réseaux sans-fils multi-saut", paru dans La Lettre T.I.
Réseaux sans fil - réf. RSF/447, Edition technique de l'ingénieur,
- Nazim Agoulmine, Jean-Michel Cornu, «Les
réseaux sans relais », paru dans La Lettre T.I. Réseaux
sans fil - réf. RSF/447, Edition technique de l'ingénieur, 2005.
- Nazim.Agoulmine, John.Strassner « Gestion
de réseaux : De SNMP aux annuaires de politiques »,
publié dans la revue Informatique professionnelle, Mars
c. Books
- N.Agoulmine,
(co-auteur (50%) et éditeur), “Autonomic Network Management
Principles From Concepts to Applications », ouvrage en
langue anglaise, 306 pages, Academic Press Title, ISBN:
978-0-12-382190-4, Elsevier Academic Press, Novembre 2010.
- Co-author N.Agoulmine (200 authors), «1st
Encyclopedy of Computer Science and Information Systems in French»,
Part 1, Layered Network Architecture, Edition Vuibert, ISBN
978271748464, 2006.
- Nazim.Agoulmine
et Omar Cherkaoui – Eyrolles, « Network Management :
Practice », Edition Eyrolles, 272 pages,
ISBN: 2-212-11259-9, March 2002.
- Neuman.
De Souza, Nazim.Agoulmine, (co-éditeurs) «Multimedia
Management », Edition, Kogan Page Science,
250 pages, ISBN: 0-7923-7962-4, 2002.
d. Book Chapters
- M.Nafaa,
N.Agoulmine, « Standards Streaming Pair à Pair sur
Réseaux Adhoc Mobiles», Chapitre dans le traité IC2
«Évolution des technologies pair-à-pair, optimisation, sécurité et
application », serie Networks and Telecoms, (Réseaux et
télécommunications, IC2) / 2-7462-2579-4 éditeurs: MATHIEU Bertrand
- SALAUN Mikael.
- Festor, A.Scharff, N.Agoulmine, O.Cherkaoui, N.
Ben Youssef, L. Andrey, « Standards for networks and
services managements», Traité IC2, serie Networks
and Telecoms, Hermès Science Publications, 250 pages. Chapitre
3: Policy Based Management, protocoles, architectures and models -N.
Agoulmine, 2003.
e. Patents,
- Kortebi, R.; Meddour, D.; Gourhant, Y. & Agoulmine, N.: “Method
of identifying at least one route satisfying at least one
constraint between a source node and destination node in a
telecommunications networks”, with France Telecom R&D,
International Patents Recognition, Pub. No.: WO/2007/113437
International Application No.: PCT/FR2007/051028, Publication Date:
11.10.2007 International Filing Date: 28.03.2007.
- Kortebi,
Meddour, D.; Gourhant, Y. & Agoulmine, N.: “Procédé et
dispositif de routage hybride dans un réseau ad hoc”, with
France Telecom R&D, National Institute for Patents
Recognition, 03/04/2006, N° de demande: FR20060051163
20060403, 2006.
- Vamsi K Gondi, N. Agoulmine, "Roaming Extensions for
radius server", IETF RFC Proposal,
draft-gondi-radext-radius-roaming-01.txt, 2008.
- Vamsi K Gondi, N. Agoulmine, "IETF RFC Proposal
Handover method using EAP
draft-gondi-hokey-neweap-handover-method-00.txt", IETF RFC Proposal,
- Vamsi K Gondi, N. Agoulmine, "IETF RFC Proposal
Mobility Management using AAA mobility extensions and Proxy Mobile
IPv4, draft-gondi-netlmm-pmip-aaam-00.txt", IETF RFC Proposal,
draft-gondi-netlmm-pmip-aaam-00.txt, 2008.
- Vamsi K Gondi, N. Agoulmine, "IETF RFC Proposal Radius
Mobility Extensions", IETF RFC Proposal
draft-gondi-radext-radius-mobility-00.txt, 2008.
- Rafael Tolosana Calasanz , Gabriel Gonzalez-Castañé ,
Nazim Agoulmine: "Proceedings of the 9th International
Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and Services (ADVANCE
2021)", Feb 2021, Zaragoza, Spain. pp.62, 2021,
- Agoulmine, N., Bartolini, C., Pfeifer, T., O’Sullivan,
D. (eds.): “Effective and Energy Efficient Management of
Network and Service”, Proceedings of the 12th IFIP/IEEE
International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, IM 2011,
Dublin, Ireland, ISBN 978-1-4244-9221-3, May 2011.
- D.Sadok, N.Agoulmine, U.T.Kim "Proceedings of the 3rd
workshop on Broadband Communication Networks", April 2008.
- N.Agoulmine, R.Boutaba, A.Serhouchni « Proceedings
of the 1st Symposium on global Information
Infrastructure GIIS’07 », IEEE Digital Library, July
- Y.T Kim, N.Agoulmine, « Proceedings of the 2nd
workshop on Broadband Communication Networks », IEEE
Press, May 2007.
- Y.T Kim, T.Hamada, N.Agoulmine, « Proceedings
of the 1er workshop on Broadband Communication Networks »,
IEEE Press, May 2006.
- Alan
Marshall, Nazim
Agoulmine (Eds.): “Management of
Multimedia Networks and Services”, 6th IFIP/IEEE
International Conference”, MMNS 2003, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK,
September 7-10, Proceedings. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 2839 Springer, ISBN
3-540-20050-9, 2003
g. International
- Eduardo
Sidney Xavier , Nazim Agoulmine , Joberto S B Martins:
On Modeling Network Slicing Communication Resources with SARSA
Optimization International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT
Infrastructures and Services, Feb 2023, Fortaleza, Brazil.
- Adnan
Imeri , Nazim Agoulmine , Djamel Khadraoui , Abdelaziz
Khadraoui: Blockchain-Based Multi-party Smart
Contract for Service Digitalization and Automation, 6th Future
Technologies Conference (FTC 2021), Oct 2021, Vancouver (Virtual),
Canada. pp.793--806, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-89880-9_59⟩
- Zaineb
Chelly Dagdia, Chiara Renso, Karine Zeitouni, Nazim Agoulmine:
Towards a Federated Learning Approach for Privacy-aware Analysis
of Semantically Enriched Mobility Data. FRAME@HPDC 2021: 17-20
- Carlos
E. Arruda, Pedro F. Moraes, Nazim Agoulmine, Joberto S. B.
Martins: Enhanced Pub/Sub Communications for Massive IoT Traffic
with SARSA Reinforcement Learning. CoRR abs/2101.00687 (2021)
- Layth
Sliman , Benoit Charroux , Nazim Agoulmine
: An Innovative Negotiations and Enactment Smart
Contract-based Framework for on-line Sharing Economy Platforms
9th International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and
Services (ADVANCE 2021), Feb 2021, Zaragoza, Spain. pp.21--28,
- Olfa
Chabbouh, Sonia Ben Rejeb, Nidal Nasser, Nazim Agoulmine, Zièd
Choukair: Novel Cloud-RRH Architecture With Radio Resource
Management and QoS Strategies for 5G HetNets. IEEE Access 8:
164815-164832 (2020)
- Amel
Khodmi, Sonia Ben Rejeb, Nazim Agoulmine, Zièd Choukair: Joint
User-Channel Assignment and Power Allocation For Non-Orthogonal
Multiple Access In A 5G Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Networks. IWCMC
2020: 1879-1884
- Carlos
E. Arruda, Pedro F. Moraes, Nazim Agoulmine, Joberto S. B.
Martins: Enhanced Pub/Sub Communications for Massive IoT Traffic
with SARSA Reinforcement Learning. MLN 2020: 204-225
- Nada
Chendeb , Nour Khaled , Nazim Agoulmine:
Integrating Blockchain with IoT for a Secure Healthcare Digital
8th International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and
Services (ADVANCE 2020), Jan 2020, Cancún, Mexico.
- Nada
Chendeb , Nazim Agoulmine , Mohammad El-Assaad:
Inspiring from SDN to Efficiently Deploy IoT Applications in the
Cloud/Fog/IoT ecosystem, 8th International Workshop on ADVANCEs in
ICT Infrastructures and Services (ADVANCE 2020), Jan 2020, Cancún,
- Amel
Khodmi, Sonia Ben Rejeb, Nazim Agoulmine, Zièd Choukair:
Energy-Efficient Power Allocation and User-Channel Assignment for
NOMA Heterogeneous Ultra-Dense Network. PIMRC 2020: 1-7Francisco
Leonardo Jales Martins, Joaquim Celestino Jr., Rafael L. Gomes,
Ahmed Patel, Nazim Agoulmine: BE-SYS: Big Data E-Health System for
Analysis and Detection of Risk of Septic Shock in Adult Patients.
ICC 2019: 1-6
- Adnan
Imeri , Nazim Agoulmine , Djamel Khadraoui: A
secure and smart environment for the transportation of dangerous
goods by using Blockchain and IoT devices, 7th International
Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and Services (ADVANCE
2019), Jan 2019, Praia, Cape Verde. pp.1--8
- Adnan
Imeri, Jonathan Lamont, Nazim Agoulmine, Djamel Khadraoui: Model
of Dynamic Smart Contract for Permissioned Blockchains. PoEM
(Forum) 2019: 1-15Nabil Rifi, Nazim Agoulmine, Nada Chendeb Taher,
Elie Rachkidi: Blockchain Technology: Is It a Good Candidate for
Securing IoT Sensitive Medical Data? Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput.
2018: 9763937:1-9763937:11
- Nada
Chendeb Taher, Iman Mallat, Nazim Agoulmine, Nour El Mawass:
Performance/Cost Analysis of a Cloud Based Solution for Big Data
Analytic: Application in Intrusion Detection. BDCSIntell 2018:
- Carlos
André Batista de Carvalho, Rossana Maria de Castro Andrade, Nazim
Agoulmine, Miguel Franklin de Castro: Detection of Access Control
Violations in the Secure Sharing of Cloud Storage. CLOSER 2018:
- Mauricio
Moreira Neto, Emanuel F. Coutinho, Leonardo O. Moreira, José
Neuman de Souza, Nazim Agoulmine: A Proposal for Monitoring People
of Health Risk Group Using IoT Technologies. HealthCom 2018: 1-6
- Marcelo
Santos, Nazim Agoulmine, Elie Rachkidy, Stenio Fernandes:
Revisitando o Problema de Alocação de Controladores SDN: Uma
Análise sobre o Impacto do Custo de Recobrimento da Rede. SBRC
2018: 1327-1340
- Imeri,
& Khadraoui, Djamel & Agoulmine, Nazim. (2019). Blockchain Technology for the Improvement of
SCM and Logistics Services: A Survey: Selected Papers from the
Global Joint Conference on Industrial Engineering and Its
Application Areas, GJCIE 2018, June 21–22, 2018, Nevsehir, Turkey.
- Imeri, Adnan & Feltus, Ch ristophe & Khadraoui, Djamel
& Agoulmine, Nazim & Nicolas, Damien. (2018). Solving the
trust issues in the process of transportation of dangerous goods by
using blockchain technology. 1-2. 10.1145/3264437.3264470.
- Carlos
André Batista de Carvalho, Rossana
Maria de Castro Andrade, Nazim Agoulmine, Miguel
Franklin de Castro:Detection
of Access Control Violations in the Secure Sharing of Cloud
Storage. CLOSER 2018: 124-135.
- Neto, Maurício, Coutinho, Emanuel, Moreira,
Leonardo & Souza, Jose & Agoulmine, Nazim. (2018). A
Proposal for Monitoring People of Health Risk Group Using IoT
Technologies. 1-6. 10.1109/HealthCom.2018.8531196.
- Lotfi Tamazirt , Farid Alilat , Nazim
Agoulmine: Blockchain Technology: A new secured Electronic
Health Record System
6th International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and
Services (ADVANCE 2018), Jan 2018, Santiago, Chile. pp.134--141
- Asma Lounis , Farid Alilat , Nazim Agoulmine:
Neural Network Model of QoE for Estimation Video Streaming over 5G
6th International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT Infrastructures and
Services (ADVANCE 2018), Jan 2018, Santiago, Chile. pp.21--27
- Rifi,
& El Rachkidi, Elie & Agoulmine, Nazim & Chendeb Taher,
Nada. (2017).Towards using blockchain technology for eHealth
data access management. 1-4. 10.1109/ICABME.2017.8167555,IEEE 17th
International Conference on Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband, October
2017, Lebanon.
- Lotfi Tamazirt, Farid Alilat, Nazim Agoulmine. NFC-based ubiquitous
monitoring system for e-industry, 3rd Conference on Mobile and
Secure Services (MOBISECSERV 2017), Feb 2017, Miami, United States.
(elec. proc.), 2017, Proc. of the 3rd Conference on Mobile and
Secure Services (MOBISECSERV 2017). (10.1109/MOBISECSERV.2017.7886568.
- Carlos
André Batista De Carvalho,
Andrade Rossana Maria de Castro, Miguel Franklin de Castro, Emanuel
Ferreira Coutinho, Nazim Agoulmine. State of the art and challenges of security SLA for
cloud computing, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier,
2017, pp.141—152 (in Press). 〈10.1016/j.compeleceng.2016.12.030.
- Olfa Chabbouh, Nazim Agoulmine, Sonia Ben Rejeb, Zièd Choukair. Task
scheduling scheme based on cost optimization in 5G/hetnets C-RAN,
15th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet
Communications (WWIC 2017), Jun 2017, St.
Petersburg, Russia. 10372, pp.87--98, 2017, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. 〈10.1007/978-3-319-61382-6_8〉.
- Matias Richart, Javier Baliosian, Joan Serrat,
Juan-Luis Gorricho,Ramon Aguero, Nazim Agoulmine, Resource
Allocation for Network Slicing in WiFi Access Points (CNSM 2017),
Short Paper, 13th International Conference on Network and Service
Management, 26-30 November 2017, Tokyo, Japan.
- Elie
Nazim Agoulmine, Nada Chendeb, Djamel Belaid. Resources optimization and efficient distribution of
shared virtual sensors in sensor-cloud 2017 IEEE International
Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), May 2017, Paris, France.
(elec. proc.), 2017, 2017 IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC 2017). 10.1109/ICC.2017.7996643
- Oumayma
Neji, Nada
Chendeb Taher, Olfa
Chabbouh, Nazim Agoulmine, Sonia
Ben Rejeb, Experience deploying a 5G C-RAN
virtualized experimental setup using OpenAirInterface. 1-5.
10.1109/ICUWB.2017.825100, IEEE 17th International Conference on Ubiquitous
Wireless Broadband Sept 2017, Spain. pp.1-5,
- Olfa Chabbouh, Sonia Ben Rejeb, Nazim Agoulmine, Zièd Choukair.
Service scheduling scheme based load balancing for 5g/hetnets cloud
ran, 31st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information
Networking and Applications (WAINA 2017), Mar 2017, Taipei, Taiwan.
pp.843--849, 2017.
- Rifi,
& El Rachkidi, Elie & Agoulmine, Nazim & Chendeb Taher,
Nada. (2017). Towards using
blockchain technology for IoT data access protection. 1-5.
10.1109/ICUWB.2017.8251003, IEEE 17th International Conference on
Ubiquitous Wireless Broadband Sept 2017, Spain. pp.1-5,
- El Rachkidi, Elie & Belaïd, Djamel & Agoulmine, Nazim &
Chendeb Taher, Nada. Cloud of Things Modeling for Efficient and
Coordinated Resources Provisioning. 175-193.
10.1007/978-3-319-69462-7_12, OTM Conferences 2017). pp.175--193,
- Rafael Tolosana Calasanz, José A. Banares,
José-Manuel Colom, Mustapha Ait-Idir and Nazim
Agoulmine. Towards the Scientific Cloud Work flow Architecture,
5th Int Workshop on Advances in ICT Infrastructures and Services
(ADVANCE 2017), Jan 2017, Evry, France.
(elec. proc.).
- Elie El Rachkidi, Nazim Agoulmine, Javier Baliosian and Javier
Bustos. VNET: Towards End-to-End Network Cloudification,
5th Int Workshop on Advances in ICT Infrastructures and Services
(ADVANCE 2017), Jan 2017, Evry, France.
(elec. proc.).
- Lotfi Tamazirt, Farid Alilat and Nazim Agoulmine, A
Visible Light Communication based positioning system for intuitive
advertising in supermarkets, 5th Int Workshop on Advances in ICT
Infrastructures and Services (ADVANCE 2017), Jan 2017, Evry, France.
(elec. proc.).
- Thiago Moreira Da Costa, Elie El Rachkidi, Hervé Martin and Nazim
Agoulmine. An experiment on deploying a privacy-aware sensing
as a service in the sensor cloud, 5th Int Workshop on Advances in
ICT Infrastructures and Services (ADVANCE 2017), Jan 2017, Evry,
France. (elec. proc.).
- Olfa Chabbouh, Sonia
Ben Rejeb, Zied Choukair and Nazim
Agoulmine, A Two-stage RRH Clustering Mechanism in
5G Heterogenous C-RAN, 5th Int Workshop on Advances in ICT
Infrastructures and Services (ADVANCE 2017), Jan 2017, Evry, France.
(elec. proc.).
- Mustapha Ait-Idir, Elie Rachkidi, Nazim Agoulmine, International
Workshop on Cloud Computing and IoT Applications and Security
(CIAS2016), in conjunction with the The
9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud
Computing (UCC2016) , December 6-9, 2016, Shanghai,
- Olfa Chabbouh, Sonia Ben Rejeb, Zied Choukri, Nazim Agoulmine,
"Computation Offloading Decision Algorithm for Energy Saving in
5G/HetNets C-RAN", IEEE 5th Conference on Multimedia Computing and
Systems, 29 Sept - 1 Oct 2016. Marrakech, Morocco.
- Elie Rachkidi, Nazim Agoulmine, Nada Chendeb Taher, Djamel Belaid, "Towards Efficient Automatic Scaling
and Adaptive cost-optimized eHealth Services", in IEEE Global
Communications Conference: Selected Areas in Communications: (GC' 16
- SAC - Internet Of Things), Dec 2015, Washington DC, United States.
(elec. proc.), 2016, Proc. of the 2016 IEEE Global Communications
Conference: Selected Areas in Communications: IoT (GC' 16 - SAC -
Internet Of Things).
- Olfa Chabbouh, Sonia Ben Rejeb, Zied Choukri, Nazim Agoulmine, " A
Novel Architecture for 5G HetNets and QoS Evaluation", International
Symposium on Network Computers and Communications (ISNCC), 11-13 May
206, Tunis, Tunisia.
- Emanuel Coutinho, Marcelo Santos, Stenio
Fernandes, Jose de Souza, Elie Rachkidi, Javier Baliosian,
Thiago Moreira, " Research Opportunities in
an Intercloud Environment UsingMOSt in SLA4CLOUD
Project", International ADVANCE Workshop, Recife, Brazil, December
- Thiago Moreira Da Costa, Leonardo M. Gardini, Elie El Rachkidi, Nazim
Agoulmine, Moura César, Reinaldo Braga and Luiz O. M.
Andrade, An Enhanced Architecture for LARIISA: An Intelligent System
for Decision Making and Service Provisioning for e-Health using the
cloud, International ADVANCE Workshop, Recife, Brazil, December
- Elie Rachkidi, El Hadi Cherkaoui, Mustapha Ait-Idir,
Nazim Agoulmine, Nada Chendeb Taher et al., "Towards Efficient
Automatic Scaling and Adaptive cost-optimized eHealth Services", in
Cloud 2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Selected Areas in
Communications: E-Health (GC' 15 - SAC - E-Health), Dec 2015, San
Diego, CA., United States. (elec. proc.), 2015, Proc. of the 2015
IEEE Global Communications Conference: Selected Areas in
Communications: E-Health (GC' 15 - SAC - E-Health).
- F. Ramalho, A. Neto, K. Santos, J. B. Filho and N.
Agoulmine, "Enhancing eHealth smart applications: A Fog-enabled
approach," 2015 17th International Conference on E-health
Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom), Boston, MA,
2015, pp. 323-328. doi:
- Elie
El Hadi Cherkaoui, Mustapha Ait-Idir, Nazim
Agoulmine, Nada Chendeb Taher et al. Cooperative Dynamic eHealth Service Placement in Mobile
Cloud Computing, 17th International Conference on E-health
Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom) (IEEE Healthcom
2015), Oct 2015, Boston, MA., United States. pp.627--632, 2015,
Proc. of the 17th International Conference on E-health Networking,
Application & Services (HealthCom) (IEEE Healthcom 2015).
- Thiago Moreira da Costa, Hervé Martin, Nazim Agoulmine. Privacy-Aware personal
Information Discovery model based on the cloud, 8th Latin American
Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS 2015), Oct 2015,
Joao Pessoa, Brazil. pp.35--40, 2015, Proc. of the 8th Latin
American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS 2015).
- Flavio Ramalho, Augusto Neto, Kelyson Santos, J.B.
Filho, Nazim Agoulmine. A holistic approach to enable
perceptive, instrumental and ubiquitous smart eHealth8th Latin
American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS 2015),
Oct 2015, Joao Pessoa, Brazil. pp.56--61, 2015, Proc. of the 8th
Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS
- Cherkaoui, E.; Rachkidi, E.; Santos, M.; Rego,
P.A.L.; Baliosian, J.; De Souza, N.; Agoulmine, N., "' SLA4CLOUD:
Measurement and SLA Management of Heterogeneous Cloud
Infrastructures Testbeds '", 3rd International ADVANCE
Workshop, Florida, USA, Dec 8-12, 2014.
- Ait-idir, M.; Cherkaoui, E.; Rachkidi, E.; Chandeb,
N.; Agoulmine, N.,"MOSt-CB: SLA Enforcement and Smart VNE (Virtual
Network Embedding) in a Multi Cloud Providers Environment",
IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 International Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications (CCSNA), Austin,
USA, Dec 8-12, 2014.
- Oliveira, M.; Andrade, L.O.M.; Santos, M.; Alcantra,
R.; Teles, G.; Agoulmine, N., "Towards a cost-effective homecare for
a public health management system in Brazil," e-Health
Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), 2014 IEEE 16th
International Conference on , vol., no., pp.206,211, doi:
10.1109/HealthCom.2014.7001842, Natal, Brazil, 15-18 Oct.
2014Valeria, O.; Ribeiro, A.; Leal, L.; Lemos, M.; Carvalho, C.G.;
Bringel Filho, J.; Holanda, R.; Agoulmine, N., "Using QoC for
improving energy-efficient context management in U-Health
Systems," e-Health Networking, Applications and Services
(Healthcom), 2014 IEEE 16th International Conference on , vol.,
no., pp.317,322, doi: 10.1109/HealthCom.2014.7001861, Natal, Brazil,
15-18 Oct. 2014.
- Cherkaoui, E.H.; Agoulmine, N., "Context-aware mobility management
with WiFi/3G offloading for ehealth WBANs," e-Health
Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom), 2014 IEEE 16th
International Conference on , vol.,
no., pp.472,476, doi: 10.1109/HealthCom.2014.7001888, Natal, Brazil,
15-18 Oct. 2014.
- Vinicius Bezerra, Olga Valeria, Misael Junior,
Constantino Neto, Liliam Barroso, Marcus Lemos, Carlos Giovanni,
José Bringel Filho and Nazim Agoulmine, " 'A Quality-Aware
and Energy-Efficient Context Management Framework for Ubiquitous
Systems'", AINA-2014: The 28th IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2014)
Victoria, Canada, May 13-16, 2014.
- Vinicius Bezerra, Olga Valeria, Misael Junior,
Constantino Neto, Liliam Barroso, Marcus Lemos, Carlos Giovanni,
José Bringel Filho and Nazim Agoulmine, "A Wavelet-Based Data
Reduction Approach for Sensor-Rich Ubiquitous Systems", 2nd
International Workshop on ADVANCEs in ICT (Advance'2013), Valença,
Brazil December 2013.
- Rachad Maallawi, El Hadi Cherkaoui and Nazim Agoulmine,
"Taking Benefit of Diversity in RAN to Offload Delay-tolerant
Traffic and Improve End-Users QoE", 2nd International Workshop on
ADVANCEs in ICT (Advance'2013), Valença, Brazil December 2013.
- Vinicius Bezerra , Olga Valeria , Constantino Dias
Neto, Marcus Lemos, Liliam Leal, Carlos Giovanni Nunes de
Carvalho, Jose Bringel Filho and Nazim Agoulmine, "A
Pervasive Energy-Efficient ECG Monitoring Approach for Detecting
Abnormal Cardiac Situations", 15th IEEE International Conference on
e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom'2013),
lisboa, Portugal, October 2013.
- Vinicius Bezerra , Olga Valeria , Constantino Dias
Neto, Marcus Lemos, Liliam Leal, Carlos Giovanni Nunes de
Carvalho, Jose Bringel Filho and Nazim Agoulmine, "A
Pervasive Energy-Efficient ECG Monitoring Approach for Detecting
Abnormal Cardiac Situations", 15th IEEE International Conference on
e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom'2013),
lisboa, Portugal, October 2013.
- Zening Qu , Lyu Yongqiang, Yida Tang, Wenyao Wang,
Zihan Wang, Jiaming Hong and Nazim Agoulmine, \"Linear
Time-Invariant System Based Assessment Model for Coronary Heart
Disease", 15th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking,
Applications and Services (Healthcom'2013), lisboa, Portugal,
October 2013.
- Nour El-Mawass, Nada Chendeb and Nazim Agoulmine, "Resilient
Bio-Inspired Wireless Sensor Network based on Genes Regulatory
Network", 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advances in
Biomedical Engineering, Tripoli, Lebanon, September 2013.
- Rachad Maallawi, Nazim Agoulmine, Benoit Radier, Tayeb Ben meriem,
"Self-optimization in legacy networks through offload management",
3rd IEEE International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile &
Wireless Networking(MoWNet'2013), Montreal, Canada, August 2013.
- Khanh-Toan Tran, Nazim Agoulmine and Youssef Iraqi, "Cost effective
complex service mapping in cloud infrastructures", IEEE-IFIP Network
Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'2012), Hawai, USA, May
- El Hadi Cherkaoui, Saiful Azad, Paolo Casari, Laura Toni, Nazim
Agoulmine and Michele Zorzi, "Packet Error Recovery via Multipath
Routing and Reed-Solomon Codes in Underwater Networks", IEEE
OceansMTS (OCEANS'2012), Hamptons Roads, Virginia, USA, October
- Khanh-Toan Tran, Nazim Agoulmine and Youssef Iraqi, "Cost effective
complex service mapping in cloud infrastructures", IEEE-IFIP Network
Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS'2012), Hawai, USA, May
- José Bringel Filho, Nazim Agoulmine, "A Quality-Aware Approach for
Resolving Context Conflicts in Context-Aware Systems," Embedded and
Ubiquitous Computing, IFIP 9th International Conference on Embedded
and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 229-236, Melbourne, Australia,
November 2011.
- Khanh-Toan Tran; Agoulmine, N.,"Adaptive and Cost-Effective Service
Placement", IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference
(GLOBECOM'2011), pp : 1-6, Houston,
USA, December 2011.
- Filho, J.B.; Agoulmine, N., "A quality-aware approach for
selecting context information from redundant context sources ", 7th
Latin American IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
(LANOMS'2011), pp: 1-8, Quito, Equador, 2011.
- De Carvalho, C.G.N.; Gomes, D.G.; de Souza, J.N.;
Agoulmine, N., "A quality-aware approach for selecting context
information from redundant context sources ", 7th Latin American
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS'2011),
pp: 1-8, Quito, Equador, 2011.
- El Hadi Cherkaoui, Laura Toni, Jean-Guy Fontaine, N.Agoulmine,
"On the Effects of Node Mobility on Energy Efficiency and Delay
Sensitive Applications in Underwater Sensor Network\", IEEE
Oceans/MTS (OCEANS'2011), Santander, Spain, June 2011.
- Hai Dang Nguyen; Khanh-Toan Tran; Agoulmine, N., "Impact of
Interference on the System Performance of WiMAX Relay 802.16j with
Sectoring", IEEE International Conference on Communications
(ICC'2011), pp:1-5, Kyoto, Japan, June
- Hui Wang; Hyeok-soo Choi; Agoulmine, N.; Deen, M.J.; Hong,
J.W.-K., "Information-Based Energy Efficient Sensor Selection in
Wireless Body Area Networks", IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC'2011), pp:1-5, Kyoto,
Japan, June 2011.
- Laura Toni, Lorenzo Rossi, Nazim Agoulmine, Jean-Guy Fontaine, "
Joint source channel coding optimization for heterogeneous access
networks in multiuser scenario", IEEE Distributed Autonomic Network
and Service Management (DANSM’ 2011), Dublin, Ireland, May
- El Hadi Cherkaoui, Nazim Agoulmine, Thinh Nguyen, Laura Toni,
Jean-Guy Fontaine, " Taking advantage of the diversity in wireless
access networks: On the simulation of a user centric approach.", IEEE Broadband Convergence Networks
Workshop (BCN'2011), Dublin, May 2011.
- Sin-Seok Seo, Joon-Myung Kang, Nazim Agoulmine, John Strassner,
James Won-Ki Hong, "FAST: A fuzzy-based adaptive scheduling
technique for IEEE 802.16 networks". IEEE Integrated Network
Management International Conference (IM’2011), Dublin, May 2011.
- Hui Wang, Hyek-soo Choi, Nazim Agoulmine, M. Jamal
Deen, James Won-Ki Hong , “Information-Based Sensor Tasking Wireless
Body Sensor Networks in Healthcare Systems”, mini-conference paper,
IEEE CNSM International Conference, 25-29 Octobre 2010, Niagara
Falls, Canada.
- Jin Kim, Hyeok-soo Choi, Hui Wang, Nazim Agoulmine, M.
Jamal Deen, James Won-Ki Hong, “POSTECH’s U-Health Smart Home For
Elderly Monitoring and Support“,IEEE Workshop on Interdisciplinary
Research on E-health Services and Systems, IREHSS 2010, May 2010,
- Hai Dang Nguyen, Nazim Agoulmine, Hui Wang, “Sectoring
in WiMAX Relay 802.16j to Enhance the System Throughput», IEEE
Broadband Convergence Networks, BCN’ 2010, April 2010, Japan.
- Khanh-Toan Tran*, Vamsi Krishna Gondi*, Nazim
Agoulmine, “Analysis of Client-based and Network-based Mobility
Protocols”, IEEE ICC’ 2010, Osaka April 2010.
- Jamal Deen, Nazim Agoulmine, Chansu Yu, Bumman Kim,
Jeong-Soo Lee, Hong-June Park, James Won-Ki Hong, “An Autonomic
Smart Home - Convergence of ICT-BT-NT”, WCU International Symposium,
May 2010, Seoul. Acknowledgment WCU.
- Sin-seok Seo, Sung-Su Kim, Nazim Agoulmine, and James
Won-Ki Hong, «On Achieving Self-Organization in Mobile WiMAX Network
in Mobile WiMAX Network», IEEE Broadband Convergence Networks, BCN’
2010, April 2010, Japan. Acknowledgment WCU.
- Lorenzo Rossi, Laura Toni, Nazim Agoulmine, and
Jean-Guy Fontaine, « Source Coding Optimization for Heterogeneous
Access Networks », IEEE Broadband Convergence Networks, BCN’ 2010,
April 2010, Japan. Acknowledgment WCU.
- Laura Toni, Lorenzo Rossi, Nazim Agoulmine, and
Jean-Guy Fontaine, « Virtual UEP in Underwater Image Transmission»,IEEE OCEANS International Conference,
Sydney, May 2010.
- Hui wang, Nazim Agoulmine and Maode Ma, “Network
Lifetime Maximization by Analytical Approach in Wireless Sensor
Networks,” ISECS International Colloquium on Computing,
Communication, Control, and Management (CCCM’09), August, 2009.
- Hui Wang, Nazim Agoulmine, Maode Ma and Yanliang Jin,
“Network Lifetime Maximization by D&C Approach in Wireless
Sensor Networks,” International Conference on Communications and
Networking in China (ChinaCom’09), Aug., 2009.
- Laura Toni, Lorenzo Rossi, Nazim Agoulmine, Jean-guy
Fontaine, « Image transmission in Underwater Ad-Hoc Networks:
Challenges and Initial Solutions”, ICMCS – 2009, Chisinau, Moldova,
October 1-3, 2009.
- Nazim Agoulmine, Jean-guy Fontaine, Halim Zaidi,
“Towards Self-organized System for Distributed Network Intrusion
Detection”, NATO Workshop of Cyber, Cyber terrorism: Prevention and
Protection, Chisinau, May 21-23 2009.
- Al Ridhawi, M. Aloqaily, A. Karmouch, N Agoulmine, “A
Location-Aware User Tracking and Prediction System”, IEEE conference
on Global Information Infrastructure, Hammamet, Tunisia, June 2009.
- Lehtihet, E.; Iqbal, Z.; Agoulmine, N.; Noll, J. &
T. Sund, "The Future of Internet Services in a Converged Content
Environment" in Wireless World Research Forum Meeting #21, October
13-15, 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Vamsi Krishna Gondi, N. Agoulmine, "A novel Mobility
solution based on PMIP using AAA mobility extensions in
heterogeneous networks. " (BCN’08), April 2008, Salvador, Brazil.
- Q.T Nguyen-Vuong, Y. Ghamri-Doudane and N. Agoulmine,
"On Utility Models for Access Network Selection in Wireless
Heterogeneous Networks", IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management
Symposium (NOMS ’08), April 2008, Salvador, Brazil.
- Q.T Nguyen-Vuong, N. Agoulmine, Y. Ghamri-Doudane ,
"Novel Approach for Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Wireless Packet
Networks ", 3rd IEEE international workshop on Broadband Converged
Networks (BcN’08), April 2008, Salvador, Brazil.
- Lehtihet, E. & Agoulmine, N., "Towards Integrating
Network Management Interfaces", in Network Operations and Management
Symposium, 2008. NOMS 2008. 11th IEEE/IFIP, 7-11 April, 2008.
- L. Gras, Q.-T. Nguyen-Vuong, Y. Ghamri-Doudane, N.
Agoulmine, M. Kassar, B. Kervella, G. Pujolle, "Terminal Mobility in
the Mobile and Wireless Realm: Tight, Loose vs. Very Loose Coupling
Interworking", IEEE Seamless Service MObility (SSMO’07) Workshop,
Marrakech, July 2007.
- Strassner, J., Foghlú, M.Ó., Donnelly, W., Agoulmine,
N., “Beyond the knowledge plane: An inference plane to support the
next generation internet”, 1st International Global Information
Infrastructure Symposium, GIIS 2007- "Closing the Digital Divide",
art. no. 4404176, pp. 112-119, July
- Balasubramaniam, S., Botvich, D., Agoulmine, N.,
Donnelly, W , “A multi-layered approach
towards achieving survivability in autonomic network”
Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications
and Malaysia International Conference on Communications, ICT-MICC
2007, art. no. 4448661, pp.
360-365 0, June 2007.
- Kortebi, R.; Meddour, D.; Gourhant, Y. & Agoulmine,
N, "SINR-Based Routing in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks to Improve
VoIP Applications Support", In 4th Annual IEEE Consumer
Communications and Networking Conference, (CCNC 2007), Las Vegas,
Nevada, Jan, 2007.
- Hajer Derbel, Nazim Agoulmine, Mikael Salaun, "Service
Utility Optimization Model Based on User Preferences in Multiservice
IP Networks", IEEE DANMS’07, Int workshop (Globecom’07), Washington,
D.C., USA, Nov 2007.
- Hajer
Derbel, Nazim Agoulmine, Mikael Salaun, "Modèle d'optimisation de
l'utilité des services en fonction des préférences des utilisateurs
dans un réseau multiservice", GRES2007, Hammamet, Tunisie, Oct 2007.
- L. Gras, Q.-T. Nguyen-Vuong, Y. Ghamri-Doudane, N.
Agoulmine, M. Kassar, B. Kervella, G. Pujolle, "Terminal Mobility in
the Mobile and Wireless Realm: Tight, Loose vs. Very Loose Coupling
Interworking", IEEE Seamless Service MObility (SSMO’07) Workshop,
Marrakech, July 2007.
- Kortebi, R.; Meddour, D.; Gourhant, Y. & Agoulmine,
N, "SINR-Based Routing in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks to Improve
VoIP Applications Support", In 4th Annual IEEE Consumer
Communications and Networking Conference, (CCNC 2007), Las Vegas,
Nevada, Jan, 2007.
- R. Kortebi, Y. Gourhant, N. Agoulmine, , "On the use of
SINR for Interference-aware Routing in Wireless Multi-hop
Networks,", 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposiumon Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, ACM/IEEE
MSWiM’07,Crete Island, Oct 2007.
- Lehtihet, E. & Agoulmine, N. “Integrating
Management Interfaces Using Semantic Web Services Technologies”.
First International DMTF Academic Alliance Workshop on Systems and
Virtualization Management: Standards and New Technologies. October
23-24, 2007, Toulouse, France.
- Lehtihet, E. & Agoulmine, N.: "A Model-driven
Approach for Semantic Integration of Management Information", in
14th Hewlett Packard Software University Association (HP-SUA),
Munich, Germany, July 8-11, 2007.
- Agoulmine, N., Balasubramaniam, S., Botvich, D.;
Strassner, J.; Lehtihet, E. & Donnelly, W. : "Challenges for
Autonomic Network Management", In 1st IEEE International Workshop on
Modelling Autonomic Communications Environments (MACE 2006), Dublin,
Ireland, Oct, 2006.
- Balasubramaniam, S., Botvich, D.; Donnelly, W. &
Agoulmine, N.: "Applying Blood Glucose Homeostatic Model Towards
Self-Management of IP QoS Provisioned Networks", In 6th IEEE
International Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM 2006),
Dublin, Ireland, Oct 2006.
- Khiat, N., Carlinet, Y. & Agoulmine, N.: "The
Emerging Threat of Peer-to-Peer Worms", In IEEE / IST Workshop on
"Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation", Tuebingen, Germany,
28-29 Sept, 2006.
- Strassner, J., Agoulmine, N. & Lehtihet, E. :
"FOCALE - A Novel Autonomic Computing Architecture", In 1st Latin
American Autonomic Computing Symposium (LAACS 2006), Campo Grande,
MS, Brazil, Jul 2006.
- Balasubramaniam,S.,
Donnelly, W.; Botvich, D.; Agoulmine, N. & Strassner, J.:
"Towards Integrating Principles of Molecular Biology for Autonomic
Network Management", In 13th HP Open View University Association
Workshop (HP-OVUA), Nice, France, May 2006.
- Derbel,
H.; Agoulmine, N. & Salaun, M. : "Gestion autonome de réseaux IP
multiservices : auto-configuration et auto-optimisation", In 7ème
Colloque francophone de Gestion de Réseaux et de Services, GRES
2006, Bordeaux, France, May 2006.
- Gourhant, Y.; Jan, F.; Rasheed, T. M.; Kortebi, R.
& Narayanan, R. : "Lessons gained from test beds of ad hoc
networks and perspectives", In Second International Workshop on
Multi-hop Ad Hoc Networks: from Theory to Reality, ACM REALMAN 2006
in conjunction with ACM Mobihoc, Florence, Italy, May 2006.
- Vamsi Gondi, Nazim Agoulmine, Yacine Ghamri, “Mobility
Management over Heterogeneous Multi-operators NetworksusingRII
architecture», HP Openview Univesity Association (HP-OVUA) 13th
Plenary Workshop, (Nice, France), May 2006.
- Mehdi Nafaa, Nazim Agoulmine, Yacine Ghamri, «
Persistent zone/peer naming in Mobile P2P Networks », HP Openview
Univesity Association (HP-OVUA) 13th Plenary Workshop, (Nice,
France), May 2006.
- Samir Ghamri-Doudane, Nazim Agoulmine, “Enhancing the
P2P Protocols to Support Advanced Multi-keywords Queries”, IFIP/IEEE
Networking 2006 Conference, Coribra, May 2006.
- Thinh Nguyen, Lionel Fiat, Nazim Agoulmine, “An
architecture for UMTS-WIMAX interworking", Proceedings of the IEEE
1st workshop on Broadband Converged Networks, (Vancouver, Canada),
April 2006.
- Y. M. Ghamri-Doudane, S. M. Senouci, et N.
Agoulmine, " P-SEAN: A Framework for Policy-based Server Election in
Ad hoc Networks", Proceedings de la 10th IEEE/IFIP Network
Operations and Management Symposium, IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2006 (Vancouver,
Canada), April 2006.
- K. Haddadou, S. Ghamri Doudane, Y. M.
Ghamri-Doudane, et N. Agoulmine, "On
Scalability of Dynamic Resource Allocation in Policy enabled
Networks: Practical and Analytical Evaluations" IEEE Global
Telecommunications Conference 2005, IEEE Globecom 2005 (St. Louis,
Missouri), Nov 2005.
- K. Haddadou, Y. M. Ghamri Doudane, S. Ghamri-Doudane,
et N. Agoulmine, "Proactive Two-Tier Bandwidth Brokerage for
on-demand Policy-based Resource Allocation in Stateless IP
Networks", IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of
Multimedia Networks and Services, IFIP/IEEE MMNS 2005 (Barcelone,
Espagne), Oct 2005.
- E. Lehtihet, H. Derbel, N. Agoulmine, Y. M.
Ghamri-Doudane, et S. van der Meer "Initial Approach Toward
Self-Configuration and Self-Optimization in IP Networks", IFIP/IEEE
International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and
Services, IFIP/IEEE MMNS 2005 (Barcelone, Espagne), Oct 2005.
- Youcef Khene, A. Hafid, Nazim Agoulmine, "A Simulation
Framework for Evaluating Internet Pricing Mechanisms". International
Conference on High Speed Networks Systems Communication (ICHSN
2005), IEEE Computer Society Proceedings, pp 86-91, Montreal,
Canada, Aug 2005.
- Youcef Khene, A. Hafid, Nazim Agoulmine, "Internet
Profile-Based Pricing: Simulation and Evaluation". SCS/IEEE
International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'05). SCS Proceedings. Volume
37, Number 3, Philadelphia, USA, March 2005.
- K. Haddadou, N. Agoulmine, H. Hocini «An efficient
approach for the configuration and reconfiguration of multimedia IP
network», IEEE International Computer Systems and Information
Technology Conference, ICSIT'2005, Algiers, Algeria, July 2005.
- Veronica Pimentel de Sousa, Mario Alves de Moraes Neto,
Abdellatif Obaid and Nazim Agoulmine, « An API for the Discovery of
Educational Content on the Brazilian Digital TV System”, Proceedings
de la 6th International Conference on Information Rechnology Based
Higher Education and Training ITHET 2005, Santo Domingo, July 2005.
- H. Derbel, E. Lehtihet, N. Agoulmine, et Y.
Ghamri-Doudane, « Autonomic Networking: A Novel Goal-based
Management Architecture and its Experimental Evaluation », Autonomic
Networking: A Novel Goal-based Management Architecture and its
Experimental Evaluation (HP-OVUA) 12th Plenary Workshop, Porto,
Portugal, July 2005.
- Kamel Haddadou, Hossam Afifi, Yacine Ghamri Doudane,
Agoulmine Nazim, Marc Girod-Genet, Ahmed Meddahi , Gilles
Vanwormhoudt, Laurent Bernard “Toward Feasibility and Scalability of
Session Initiation and Dynamic QoS Provisioning in Policy-enabled
Networks”, IFIP Networking’05 Toronto, May 2005.
- Sven van der Meer, Declan O'Sullivan, David Lewis,
Nazim Agoulmine, “Ontology Based Policy Mobility for Pervasive
Computing”, 9th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated
Network Management, IM’05, Nice, France, May 2005.
- Elyès
Lehtihet, Nazim Agoulmine, «Intégration de Services de Contrôle
Multi Opérateurs en Utilisant une Approche Méta modèle », Conférence
francophone GRES 2005, Luchon, Feb 2005.
- Issam Aïb, Nazim Agoulmine, Guy Pujolle, “The
Generalized Service Level Agreement Model and its application to
structuring WLANs into Wireless Management Communities”,
International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT’2004)
Constantine, Algeria, Dec, 2004.
- Issam Aib, Nazim Agoulmine, Guy Pujolle, “A Multi-Party
Approach to SLA Modeling, Application to WLANs”, IEEE CCNC
conference, Las Vegas, Dec2004.
- Samir Ghamri, Nazim Agoulmine, “Hierarchical Policy
Based Management Architecture to Support the Deployment and the
Discovery of Services in Ubiquitous Networks”, IEEE LCN 2004, Tampa,
USA, Nov 2004.
- Youcef Khene, Mauro Fonseca, Nazim Agoulmine, Guy
Pujolle, “Internet Service Pricing Based on User and Service
Profiles”, IFIP/IEEE International Conference in Telecommunications,
Fortaleza, Brazil, Aug 2004.
- Samir Ghamri-Doudane, Sven van der Meer, Robert
O’Connor, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Nazim Agoulmine , “Resources
Discovery and Management Using Policies in Smart Spaces”,
International HPOPenView Workshop, Paris, France, June 2004.
- Issam Aib, Nazim Agoulmine, “Capturing adaptive B2B
Service Relationships Management through a generalized Service
Information Model”, International HPOPenView Workshop, Paris,
France, June 2004.
- Youcef Khene, Mauro Fonseca, Nazim Agoulmine, Guy
Pujolle, “A Profile Approach for Internet Service Pricing”, ICTTA
Damascus, Syria, April 2004
- Pimentel Veronica, Maillet Katherine, Hebuterne Gérard
and Agoulmine Nazim, “Technical issues for e-learning architectures
in an XML-based approach: The example of the UNIVERSAL Brokerage
Platform”, 21st ICDE World Conference (ICDE2004), Hong
Kong, Feb, 2004.
- Issam Aib, Nazim Agoulmine, Mauro Sergio Fonseca, and
Guy Pujolle, “Analysis and Classification of Models and
Specification Languages for Policy Based Management of Networks and
Distributed Systems”, IFIP/IEEE Netcon 2003 conference, Muscat,
Oman, Nov 2003.
- Danielo Gomes, Nazim Agoulmine, and J.N. de Souza, “VoD
Service Traffic Monitoring with Neural Agent”, In: Management of
Multimedia Networks and Services, MMNS’03, Belfast, UK, Sept 2003.
- Youcef Khene, Nazim Agoulmine, “Unified Profile and
Agent Based Negotiation Service to facilitate end-to-end SLA
Management”, HPOVUA’03, May 2003.
- Danielo
Gomes, Nazim Agoulmine, and J.N. de Souza, “A Neuronal Agent
Approach to Support Bandwidth on Demand VoD Service Provider
Traffic” GRES'2003 Colloque Francophone sur la Gestion de Réseaux Et
de Services, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brésil, Feb 2003.
- Yacine
Ghamri, Anelise Munaretto, Nazim Agoulmine, “ Une nouvelle
architecture de gestion par politiques pour les réseaux ad hoc
d’entreprises nomades », Colloque Francophone sur la Gestion de
Réseaux et de Services, Fortaleza, Brésil – Feb 2003.
- Pimentel
Veronica, Agoulmine Nazim, Hebuterne Gérard and Oliveira Mauro,
“Introducing Rules in Content Exchange P2P Networks », Colloque
Francophone sur la Gestion de Réseaux et de Services, Fortaleza,
Brésil - Feb 2003.
- Pimentel Veronica, Agoulmine Nazim and Hebuterne
Gérard, “A partners system for exchange and collaboration in an Open
Distance Education Environment”, Conference on Intelligent
Multimedia and Distance Education- ICIMADE’01, Fargo, USA - Jan,
- Fonseca Mauro and Agoulmine Nazim, “Policy Based Mobile
Agents as a Solution for Inter carriers SLA Negotiation to support
End-to-End IP QoS”, IEEE GLOBECOM 2002, TAIPEI - Nov, 2002.
- Danielo Gomes, Nazim Agoulmine, and J.N. de Souza, “IP
Bandwidth Allocation Management using Agents and Neural Network
Approach”, IEEE Workshop on IP Operations and Management
(IPOM’2002), Dallas, Texas, USA, Oct 2002.
- Achir Nadjib, Agoulmine Nazim, Fonseca Mauro, Ghamri
Doudane Yacine and Pujolle Guy, « Active Technology as an efficient
approach to control DiffServ networks”, IFIP/IEEE
International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and
Services - MMNS 2002, University of California, Santa Barbara – Oct
- Ghamri Doudane Yacine, Munaretto fonseca Anelise and
Agoulmine Nazim , “Policy Control for Nomadic Enterprise Ad Hoc
Networks”, International Conference on Telecommunication Systems -
ICTS2002, Monterey, CA, USA - Oct 2002.
- Munaretto fonseca Anelise, Agoulmine Nazim and Fonseca
Mauro, “Policies and Active Code to Improve Quality of Service in Ad
Hoc Networks”, IT&T Conference 2002, Waterford - Ireland - Oct
- Fonseca Mauro and Agoulmine Nazim , “End to end IP QoS
assurance using policy based multi-agent SLA management systems”,
IEEE International Telecommunications Symposium - ITS2002, Natal/RN
- Brazil - Sept 2002.
- Danielo Gomes, Nelson Fonseca, Nazim Agoulmine, and
J.N. de Souza, “Neurocomputation of the Hurst Parameter”, IEEE
International Telecommunications Symposium (ITS’2002), Natal,
Brazil, Sept 2002.
- Munaretto fonseca Anelise, Fonseca Mauro and Agoulmine
Nazim , “Dynamic Web Caching”, 6th IASTED International Conference
Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications - IMSA 2002, Kauai,
Hawaii, USA, Aug 2002.
- Fonseca Mauro, Agoulmine Nazim and Munaretto fonseca
Anelise , “An Agent Approach to IP Inter Domains SLA Management
using Policies”, 6th IASTED International Conference Internet and
Multimedia Systems and Applications - IMSA 2002, Kauai,
Hawaii, USA - Aug 2002.
- Munaretto fonseca Anelise, Agoulmine Nazim and Fonseca
Mauro, “Policy-based Management of Ad-hoc Enterprise Networks”, HP
Openview University Association 9th Annual Workshop, June 2002.
- M.Fonseca, N.Agoulmine, A.Marshall "Multidomain Policy
Based Management Using Mobile Agents”, Proceedings of
3th International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication
Applications, 10 pages, Montréal, Canada, Aug 2001.
- M.Fonseca, N.Agoulmine "Dynamic Deployment of Value
Added Management Services for Actives Networks", Proceedings of IEEE
LANOMS International Conference, Belo horizonte,
Brazil, Sept 2001.
- N.Achir, M.Fonseca, Y.Ghamri, N.Agoulmine, A.Mehaoua,
"Active Networking System Evaluation : A Practical Experience",
Proceedings of 7th IEEE International workshop on mobile multimedia
communications, Momuc 2000, Kyoto, Japan , Oct 2000.
- N.Agoulmine, F.Nait-Abdessalem, "Intelligent Agent
Architecture as a solution for Multimedia System and Network
Control", Proceedings of the Multimedia Management mini-conference ,
International IFIP Networking 2000 conference, Paris, France, July
- K.Boudaoud, N.Agoulmine, J.N De Souza, " Distributed
Network Security Management Using Intelligent Agents», Proceedings
of LANOMS 99 IEEE International Conference, 12 pages, Rio, Brésil,
Dec 1999.
- N.Agoulmine, J.N De Souza, J.L de Castro e Silva,
A.Nunes da Silva "The Use of Mobile Agent based System as a Solution
for Efficient Management of Telecommunication Networks and Services
in a Multi-domain environment", Proceedings of International
SmartNet Conference, 6 pages, Ait, Thailand, Dec 1999.
- N.Agoulmine,
«Architecture Multi Planes pour la Gestion de la QoS d'Applications
Multimédias», 6 pages, Proceedings of GRES 99
conference, Montraal, Canada, June 1999.
- P. Schoo, Chr. Egelhaaf, T. Eckardt, N. Agoulmine, M.
Tschichholz « Modularization of TINA Reference Points for
Information Networking » Proceedings of International Conference on
Intelligence in Services and Networks IS&N ’98, Barcelona,
Spain, June 1999.
- N.Agoulmine, K.Boudaoud, B.Bushan. «Mobile Agents Based
Intranet Management», Proceedings of ISAS’98 International
Conference on Automatic Systems, Florida, USA, July 1998.
- F.Nait-Abdessalem, N.Agoulmine, N., Kasiolas « Agents
Based Approach for Qos Adaptation in Distributed Multimedia
Applications Over ATM Networks », Proceedings of 1st IEEE
International Conference on ATM, ICATM’98, 8 pages, Colmar,
France, June 1998.
- N.Agoulmine, F.Ababsa « An Architecture for Service
Interoperability Management », Proceedings of International
Conference on Telecommunications IEE ICT’98, 5 pages, Porto
Carras, Greece, June 1998.
- F.Nait-Abdessalem, N.Agoulmine « QoS Management Scheme
for Distributed Multimedia Applications » Proceedings of Conference
NIPS'97, Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov 1997.
- N.Agoulmine, F.Ababsa « A TMN Management System for
Configuration Monitoring and Fault Management of Passive Optical
Networks », Proceedings of Conference NIPS’97, Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov
- N.Agoulmine, F.Ababsa «Passive Optical Network
Management: From Information Modelling to the Implementation of the
PON-TMN », Proceedings of International Workshop on High Speed
Networks, Stuttgart, Germany, Oct 1997.
- N.Agoulmine, F.Ababsa, J.N De Souza « Managing CORBA
based Agent through an OSI/TMN System », Proceedings of IEEE MMNS
97, 10 pages, Montréal, Canada, July 1997.
- Kleber X.S. de Souza, N.Agoulmine, “Using Distributed
Active Object Model to Manage Broadband Networks”, Proceedings of
IEEE ATM Workshop ‘95, WDC, USA, Oct 1995.
- N.Agoulmine, M.Agoulmine, “Formal Modelization of
Cooperative Multimedia Structures”, Proceedings of IEEE JAMCON
Conference, 5 pages, Montego Bay, Jamaica, August 1995.
- N.Agoulmine, J N De Souza,"A General Implementation
Architecture for TMN Systems", Proceedings of the IEEE Global
Communication Conference (GLOBCOM '93), San-Francisco, USA, Dec
- B. Bouton, N. Agoulmine, "Cooperative Multimedia
Applications: Building Algorithm", Proceedings of the International
Australian Telecommunication Networks & Applications
Conference (ATNAC'94), Melbourne, Australia, Dec 1994.
- B.Bouton, N.Agoulmine, "Cooperative Multimedia
Structures Management", Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Communication Systems, (ICCS '94), Singapour, Nov
- N.Agoulmine, J N De Souza, G.Pavlou "A General
Architecture for TMN Platforms", Proceedings of the International
IFIP/IEEE International Telecommunication Symposium on Integrated
Network management (ISINM'94), IEEE
Catalog number 94CH34843, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, Aug 1994.
- N.Agoulmine, J.N De Souza, "An Object-Oriented Method
for the Specification of Telecommunication Networks Management
Information", Proceedings of the International Conference on
Object-Role Modelling (ORM-1), Magnetic Island, Australia, July
- N.Agoulmine, J.Celestino, J.N De Souza, "Distribution
and Interworking of Heterogeneous Network Management Systems"
Proceedings of the CIC/IEEE International Conference on
Communication Technology (ICCT '94), Shanghai, China, June 1994.
- J.N De Souza, N.Agoulmine, J.Celestino, "A Generic
Object-Oriented Approach for Integrating Heterogeneous Network
Management" Proceedings of the CIC/IEEE International
Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT '94), Shanghai
, China, June 1994.
- J N De Souza, N.Agoulmine, "A High Level Design for the
QAdapter Function Block in Telecommunication Management Network
(TMN) Architecture", Proceedings of the International Interop
Engineer's Conference (CFP '94), Las Vegas Convention Centre, USA,
May 1994.
- J.N De Souza, N.Agoulmine, J P Claudé, « Adaptation
Function in the Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) Systems
Architecture » Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Workshop
on Computer (JWCC8), Taiwan, R.O.C, Dec 1993.
- N.Agoulmine, M De Oliviera, J N De Souza, "Distribution
of Management over Multi-domains Network Management Systems",
Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBCOM
'93), New Orleans, USA, Dec 1993.
- J.N De Souza, K.Mc Carthy, N.Agoulmine, G.Pavlou,
"Handling Heterogeneity Using OSIMIS Agent" Proceedings of the
International Conference on Intelligence in Broadband Services and
Networks (IS&N '93), Paris, France, Nov 1993.
- N.Agoulmine : " A computing platform for Network Management
Support", Proceedings of the SICON/ICIE '93 IEEE Singapore
International Conference on Networks and Information Engineering,
Singapour, Sept 1993.
- N.Agoulmine, M.De Oliviera,"Interoperability of Open
Network Management Systems", Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.4
International Conference on Advanced Information Processing
Techniques for LAN and MAN Management, North Holland (Ed.),
Versailles, France, April 1993.
- N.Agoulmine, M.De Oliviera, JP Claudé, "A Solution for
the Interoperability of Telecommunication Management Network
Systems", Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communication Conference
(GLOBCOM '92), Orlando, USA, Dec 1992.
- N.Agoulmine, J.N. De Souza, M.Claudé, "A System
Architecture for Updating Management Information In Heterogonous
Context", Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communication Conference
(GLOBCOM '92), Orlando, USA, Dec 1992.
- N.Agoulmine, J.N De Souza, JP Claudé, "Intelligent
Model Updating System in Heterogeneous Networks", Proceedings of
the CIC/IEEE International Conference on Communication
Technology (ICCT '92), Shanghai, China, June 1992.
- N.Agoulmine, J.N De Souza, JP Claudé, S.Robert, "A
System Architecture for Updating Management Information in
Heterogeneous TMNs", Proceedings of the RACE Consortium
International Telecommunication Management Network Conference (TMN
'92), Madeira, Portugal, Sept 1992.