Publications and Technical Reports
- S. Cerrito. Logique pour l'Informatique : une introduction à
la déduction automatique,
Vuibert Publisher Co, october 2008,
pp 1-178.
Book's Chapters
- S. Cerrito. Negation and Linear Completion.
Intensional Logic for Programming, Studies in Logic and Computation,
L. Farinas and M. Penttonen (eds.),pages 155-194, Clarendon Press Oxford 1992.
pdf file)
- S. Cerrito and Marta Cialdea-Mayer.
Labelled Tableaux for Linear Time Temporal Logic over
Finite Time Frames. In :
Labelled Deduction , D. Basin, M.D'Agostino, D.M. Gabbay, L, Vigano
(eds), Kluwer 2000.
Page of Labelled Deduction)
S. Cerrito, M. Cialdea Mayer, R. Demolombe.
Temporal Abductive Reasoning about Biochemical Reactions.
Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 27(3-4), 269-291, 2017.
S.Cerrito, A. David, V. Goranko,
Optimal Tableaux Method for Constructive Satisfiability Testing and Model Synthesis in the Alternating-time Temporal Logic ATL+. ACM Transaction on Computational Logic, Vol 17, 2015
S. Cerrito, M. Cialdea Mayer.
A Tableau Based Decision Procedure for an Expressive Fragment of Hybrid Logic with Binders, Converse and Global Modalities.
Journal of Automated Reasoning (JAR), 51(2):197-239, 2013.
DOI: 10.1007/s10817-012-9257-2.
Draft (pdf) .
- S. Cerrito and M. Cialdea-Mayer,
An efficient approach to nominal equalities in
hybrid logic tableaux,
JANCL 2009, Hermes-Lavoisier
Technical reports related to this work can be found below.
- N.Bidoit and S.Cerrito and V.Thion A first step toward modelling semistructured data in hybrid multi-modal logic,
JANCL, vol. 14, No. 4, pages 447-475, 2004, Hermes-Lavoisier
. pdf file .
- S.Cerrito and D. Kesner. Pattern Matching as Cut Elimination,
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Vol. 323, pages 71-127, 2004.
gzipped file
- M. Cialdea-Mayer and S.Cerrito. Ground and Free-Variable Tableaux for Variants of Quantified
Modal Logic.
Studia Logica, special issue on Analityc Tableaux (2000), 69:97-131,
Kluwer, Dordrech.
( postcript file)
- V. Benzaken, S.Cerrito and S. Praud. Static verification
of dynamical integrity constraints : a semantics based approach.
Networking and Information Systems Journal (NIS) , (1999).
( postcript file)
- S. Cerrito and M. Cialdea-Mayer. A polynomial translation of S4 into T and contraction free tableaux for S4. Logic Journal of the IGPL,
5(2):287--30, Oxford
University Press, 1997
( postcript file ),
- N. Bidoit, S. Cerrito and Ch. Froidevaux.
A Linear Logic Approach to Consistency Preserving Updates,
Journal of Logic and Computation , 6(3):441--463, Oxford University
Press, 1996.
( postcript file )
- S.Cerrito. A Linear Axiomatization of Negation as Failure.
Journal of Logic Programming, 1992 12(1), 1992
International Conferences
- S. Cerrito, A. David.
Minimisation of ATL* Models. In: Proceedings od TABLEAUX 2017: 193-208.
An extended draft:
Minimisation of ATL* models. Extended Draft
S. Cerrito, A. David, V. Goranko. Optimal tableaux-based decision procedure for testing satisfiability in the Alternating-time temporal logic ATL+.
Proceedings of IJCAR 2014 .
Extended Draft
- S. Cerrito and M. Cialdea Mayer.
Title : A Tableaux Based Decision Procedure for a Broad Class of Hybrid Formulae with Binders. In: Proceedings of Tableaux 2011 .
A technical report corresponding to this work can be found below.
- S. Cerrito and M. Cialdea-Mayer. Nominal Substitution at
Work with the Global and Converse Modalities. In:
Proceedings of Advances in Modal Logic (Aiml 2010) .
- M. Cialdea-Mayer and S. Cerrito.
Herod and Pilate: two tableau provers for basic hybrid logic.
System Description in the proceedings of
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
(IJCAR 2010)
Herod's page .
- V. Thion, S. Cerrito and M. Cialdea-Mayer.
A General Theorem Prover for Quantified
Modal Logics.
Tableaux 2002 (FLOC 2002)
Copenhaghen, july 2002.
- S. Cerrito and M. Cialdea-Mayer
Free-Variable Tableaux for Constant-Domain Quantified Modal Logics.
In International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning ,
,(IJCAR 2001). LNAI 2083, Springer-Verlag,
pp. 137-151
postcript file )
- M. Cialdea-Mayer and S. Cerrito.
Variants of First-Order Modal Logics.
In R. Dyckhoff (ed.), Automated Resoning with Analytic Tableaux and
Related Methods (Tableaux 2000).
LNCS, Springer-Verlag.
postcript file )
- S.Cerrito, M. Cialdea-Mayer and S. Praud. First Order Linear Temporal
Logic over Finite Time Structures.
Proceedings of the 6th
International Conference on Logic for Programming and
Automated Reasoning (LPAR'99), Tblisi, Georgia,September 99.
LNAI, Springer-Verlag.
( postcript file)
- S. Cerrito and D. Kesner.
Pattern Matching as Cut Elimination : Extended Abstract.
Proceedings of
the 14th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS99),
Trento, Italy, july 1999.
( postcript file) )
- S. Cerrito and M. Cialdea-Mayer.
Using Temporal Logic to Model and Solve Planning Problems.
In F. Giunchiglia, editor, Proceedings of
the 8th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Methodology (AIMSA),
September 1998, LNCS vol. 1480, Springer-Verlag.
- S. Cerrito and M. Cialdea-Mayer.
Bounded Model Search in Linear Temporal Logic and Its
Application to Planning.
In H. de Swart, editor, Proceedings of
the 7th International Conference on Theorem
Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (Tableaux '98),
May 1998, LNCS vol. 1397, Springer-Verlag.
- S. Cerrito and M. Cialdea-Mayer.
Hintikka Multiplicities in Matrix Decision Methods.
In D. Galmiche, editor, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conference on Theorem
Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methodds (Tableaux '97),
May 1997, LNCS vol. 1227, Springer-Verlag.
( postcript file )
- S. Cerrito, A. Cesta and M. Cialdea Mayer Planning as model construction in
linear temporal logic.
In Technical Report RT-DIA-23-97, {Dipartimento di Informatica
ed Automazione, Universitá Roma Tre, Presented
as a poster session at IJCAI-97.
( poster )
- N. Bidoit, S. Cerrito and Ch. Froidevaux.
Consistency Preserving Updates.
Proceedings of the Post-ILPS'94
Workshop on Uncertainty in Databases and Deductive Systems,
1994, published as Technical Report, Department of Computer
Science, Concordia University.
- S. Cerrito.Herbrand Methods for Sequent Calculi.
Proceedings of
the Joint International Conference
and Symposium on Logic Programming , Octobre 1992,
The MIT Press.
( postcript file ),
- S. Cerrito. A Linear Semantics for Allowed Logic Programs.
Proceedings of
the Fifth Annual IEEE Symposium
on Logic in Computer Science (LICS90),
June 1990,
IEEE Computer Society Press..
- S. Cerrito. An Application of Linear Logic to Logic Programming.
In Abstracts of Logic Colloquium'88.
August 1988,
Technical Report, Universitá di Padova
National Conferences
- V. Benzaken, S. Cerrito and S. Praud.
Vérification Statique de Contraintes d'Integrité
Actes de BDA99, Bordeaux, october 99.
( postcript file ),
- N. Bidoit, S. Cerrito and V. Thion.
Un premier pas vers la modèlisation des donnés semi-structurées par la logique modale hybride.
Actes de BDA2003, Lyon, october 2003.
Contribution de la Logique Linéaire au Probleme
de la Négation par Echec
, Thèse présentée
pour obtenir le titre de
docteur es sciences, Université Paris XI, june 1990.
Systèmes de Preuve á la Gentzen et leur Contenu Algorithmique
, Memoire d'Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches, Paris XI,
octobre 2000.
postcript file)