Time-based Evaluation of Service-based Business Process Elasticity in the Cloud. In the 5th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom'13), Bristol, United Kingdom, December 2013.
Mohamed Mohamed, Mourad Amziani, Djamel Belaïd, Samir Tata and Tarek Mellit An autonomic approach to manage elasticity of business processes in the Cloud In the journal of Future Generation Computer Systems, October 2014, ISSN 0167-739X.
Mourad Amziani, Tarek Melliti and Samir Tata Formal Modeling and Evaluation of Stateful Service-based Business Process Elasticity in the Cloud. In the 21st International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS'13), Graz, Austria, September 2013.
Mourad Amziani, Tarek Melliti and Samir Tata A Generic Framework for Service-based Business Process Elasticity in the Cloud (short paper). In International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2012).
Mourad Amziani, Tarek Melliti and Samir Tata Formal Modeling and Evaluation of Service-based Business Process Elasticity in the Cloud. In In the 22nd International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure (WETICE 2013), Hammamet, Tunisia, June 2013. |
Céline Boutrous-Saab, Demba Coulibaly, Serge Haddad, Tarek Melliti, Patrice
Moreaux, and Sylvain Rampacek. An Integrated Framework for Web Services
Orchestration. In International Journal of Web Services Research, 6(4), 1-29, 2009. |
Tarek Melliti, Pascal Poizat, Sonia Ben Mokhtar.
Distributed Behavioural Adaptation for the Automatic Composition of Semantic Services. In FASE 2008 : pages 146-162. |
Céline Boutrous-Saab, Tarek Melliti, Lynda Mokdad.
Performance Evaluation for Mobile Access to Composite Web Services. In Proceedings of International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services(ICIW'06), Guadeloupe, French Caribbean, Feb. 23--25, 2004. IEEE. Computer Society.
Tarek Melliti, Céline Boutrous-Saab, Sylvain Rampacek.
Verifying Correctness of Web Services Choreography In Proceedings of The 4th IEEE European Conference on Web Services (ECOWS 06), Zurich, Switzerland, 4-6 Dec. 2006, IEEE. Computer Society. Pages 306-318
Amal El Fallah-Seghrouchni, Serge Haddad, Tarek Melliti, Alexandru Suna.
Web-MASI: Multi-Agent Systems Interoperability Using a Web Services Based Approach. In IAT 2005: 739-742
Serge Haddad, Tarek Melliti, Patrice Moreaux, Sylvain Rampacek.
A dense time semantics for Web services specifications languages, In Proceedings of the 1st Int. Conf. on Information & Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA'04), Damas, Syrie, Apr. 19--23, 2004. IEEE.
Serge Haddad, Tarek Melliti, Patrice Moreaux and Sylvain Rampacek.
Modelling WEB services interoperability. In Proceeedings of the 6th Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS04), Porto, Portugal, Apr. 14-17, 2004. ACM & AAAI.
Tarek Melliti, Serge Haddad.
Synthesis of Agents for Web Services Interaction. In International Conference Electronic Commerce, Workshop on Semantic Web Services for Enterprise Application Integration and E-Commerce, Pittsburgh, USA, Sept. 2003.