On reprend le travail, mais cette fois sur un algorithme de tableaux, plus difficile, et en imposant un peu de contexte.
Entretien avec un vampire (épisode 7)
On se donne la déclaration C suivante :
typedef struct {
unsigned int len;
int* val;
} Tab;
Read moreÉcrivez une fonction en C qui teste si …
Entretien avec un vampire (épisode 6)
J’ai mené deux expériences pour voir à quel point les réponses du vampire sont liées à sa connaissance du problème spécifique qu’il résout. Je ne vais pas donner ses réponses car elles sont globalement correctes, mais les entretiens sont disponibles ici et là. TD;DR: on peut dire …
Entretien avec un vampire (épisode 5)
Aujourd’hui, un algorithme basique, dans un exercice classique. Je vous préviens, le vampire est toujours aussi verbeux tout en ne disant pas grand chose. C’est fatiguant, lassant, et peu utile au final. Mais hauts les cœurs, on y va quand même. Je vais lui demander de résoudre l …
Entretien avec un vampire (épisode 4)
On repart sur des questions de récursivité, avec un algorithme là aussi archi-connu. Une lectrice m’a fait remarquer qu’en donnant à résoudre des algorithmes classiques, nommés, et archi-connus, on aide beaucoup le vampire à trouver de la littérature dessus. Il faudra que je fasse l’essai sur des …
Entretien avec un vampire
Introduction à une série de billets sur les IA génératives dans le contexte de l’enseignement de la programmation.
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Entretien avec un vampire (épisode 1)
On commence par un des premiers exercices de ma feuille de TD du cours algorithmique et programmation, en première année de licence (Bac+1). À ce stade, les étudiant⋅es ont déjà vu un programme qui lit le prénom et répond “Bonjour PRÉNOM.” Je ne vais pas aider le vampire …
Entretien avec un vampire (épisode 2)
On continue sur un exercice de base de mon cours d’algorithmique. Entretien réalisé le 11/02/2025.
Read moreÉcrivez un programme en C lisant deux entiers
au clavier représentant respectivement un nombre totalt
d’étudiants inscrits, et un nombrep
d’étudiants présents. Faites afficher le …
Entretien avec un vampire (épisode 3)
Cours d’algorithmique de licence 1 toujours. On attaque quelque chose de plus difficile et on rentre dans les questions d’algorithmique avec une fonction récursive. Juste avant, les étudiant⋅es ont travaillé sur la factorielle. Entretien réalisé le 11/02/2025, et complétée le lendemain.
Read moreLes nombres de Fibonacci …
Replace `pyenv` with `uv`
How I replaced pyenv
with uv
, with the help of direnv
, except for unsupported versions of Python.
Petri nets - Chapter 2: Why?
A simple tutorial on Petri nets, chapter 2: Why?
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Petri nets - Chapter 1: What?
A simple tutorial on Petri nets, chapter 1: What?
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À propos d'un passage au contrôle continu intégral
Ce billet présente pourquoi et comment, en 2020-2021, je suis passé au contrôle continu intégral pour mon cours de programmation en C, en première année de Licence informatique.
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Pelican articles out of BibTeX files
2021-05-10 (edited 2024-04-06)
This post is outdated because I’m not using BibTeX files anymore for my website. But it’s content remains valid.
I’ve moved to Pelican to generate my website. My home-brewed generator needed some updates in order to work with Python 3 and new versions of some packages, so …
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Simple 2-factors authentication for your SSH/GPG keys
SSH and GPG/PGP private keys are stored encrypted with a passphrase. Using a Yubikey or similar devices, it is easy to have a 2-factors encryption.
The Yubikey can be configured to store a static password: it behaves as a keyboard that types the same password each time it is …
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Assess C exams automatically
This is the third post of a series of three. I’ve showed how I randomise AMC exams, how I randomise C code to ask questions about it, and now I present how I automatically assess students programs.
Read moreDISCLAMER: don’t expect a magic solution to this long standing problem …
Randomized C assessments with AMC
In a previous post I’ve explained how I randomise an AMC exam by generating LaTeX source to be included by AMC during the compilation. Here, I show how I reuse this idea to assess students understanding of a randomised C program.
With respect to the previous post, there are …
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Randomized assessments with AMC & Python
I’ve been using AMC for years now, it’s definitely a very good tool that saves me hours of work on large groups of students. Exam after exam, I’ve improved the way the questions are randomised, with all randomisation computed in LaTeX directly, using pgf/tikz as explained …
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Using a database to store benchmarks logs
For my benchmarks, I used to store logs of every executions into CSV files that I had to aggregate for analysis. I’ve decided to switch to a database. It is simpler and globally more efficient.
My benchmarks are usually organised as follows:
- there are several models
- each one …
Time Petri nets with SNAKES
In this quite old paper, it was shown how to extend SNAKES to model and execute time Petri nets (Merlin & Farber’s version, that with clocks on transitions). The code originally written in 2008 is broken because of slight changes in SNAKES. This post is both an update and a …
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Model-checking with ABCD and Neco
ABCD is a modelling language that brings together process algebras and Python programming with a Petri net semantics. A compiler for ABCD is shipped with SNAKES, a description of the language and its semantics can be found in my habilitation thesis (section 3.3). On the other hand, Neco, with …
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A tool paper about SNAKES has been accepted at the PETRI NETS conference 2015, I’ll add it soon to the list of my publications. Additionally, I was pleased to discover that Robert Lorenz was giving an invited talk and that the theory he has presented is implemented using SNAKES …
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Automating write-back to Python shelve
Module shelve
is great but it only save objects when they are
explicitly assigned to a shelf. This may be error prone as for
instance in:
>>> db = shelve.open("shelf.db")
>>> db["foo"] = []
>>> db["foo"].append("hello")
>>> db["foo"]
Calling append
on the object does not lead to modify the …
Watching filesystem updates with gevent
Many systems allow to monitor changes on a filesystem, but I could not find any that is both portable and compatible with gevent. For instance, watchdog is portable on Windows, Linux and MacOS, but it uses threads and does not work together with gevent. On the other hand, gevent_inotifyx, as …
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Generating pronounceable passwords in Python
To generate human-readable and pronounceable passwords, I usually rely
on apg
or pwgen
, but I needed a solution that can be used from a
Python program, which should be portable so that I can’t rely on the
presence of apg
or pwgen
on the computer.
First, we need to …
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Another SNAKES repository
SNAKES is hosted on GitHub. It now has another address, on a GitLab instance freshly installed at IBISC lab: https://forge.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/fpom/snakes.
I’ll maintain both synchronised, so that visitors have the choice of their preferred interface.
On my way to host SNAKES and change from …
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Functional Python to feed your SNAKES
When you learn programming, you’re usually told that side-effects are not good. This is particularly true for the Petri nets annotations in SNAKES.
Consider this first example:
from snakes.nets import *
class BadRange (object) :
def __init__ (self, *args) :
self.v = range(*args)
def done (self) :
return not self.v …
SNAKES poster
I have prepared a poster to present SNAKES, click on the image below to get a PDF version. Feel free to display it if you use SNAKES and want to support it.

Parsley really rocks!
We have seen how to use Parsley to parse BibTeX, but now we need to parse the LaTeX code inside the BibTeX entries and convert it to something else: plain text or, here, Markdown. Here again, Parsley appears to be really handy.
Of course, only LaTeX can actually parse full …
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Parsley rocks!
Times ago I’ve been impressed by this video about Parsley, demonstrating a very convincing parsing tool.
Yesterday, I needed to parse some BibTeX. After testing several packages without being really convinced, I decided to give Parsley a try.
My need is actually to parse only a restricted version of …
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From string formatting to parsing
With Python’s string formatting operator, you can do:
>>> format = "I'd like to eat %u %s of spam with %u eggs"
>>> data = (3, "pounds", 10)
>>> text = format % data
>>> text
"I'd like to eat 3 pounds of spam with 10 eggs"
But how to perform the reverse operation: given …
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Copy a Python dict with updates
For my first post: a small trick I’ve recently discovered.
Suppose you have a dict that you want to copy while changing the values of some keys. A single instruction can do it:
new = dict(old, a=1, b=2, c=3)
This is equivalent to:
new = old.copy …