2021 Feng Chu
01.  Welcome
02.  Introduction
03.  Grants
  Academic service
05.  In UEVE and Paris-Saclay
06.  PhD student and Post-doc
07.  Publications
08.  French Bio-sketch (Français)
09.  Chinese Bio-sketch(中文简介)
  • Expert of the European Science Foundation (ESF).
  • Expert of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (CIR).
  • Expert of the Paris Academy.
  • Expert of the METRANS Transportation Center, USA.
  • Expert de Fonds de recherche Nature et technologies du Québec, Canada.
  • Expert of the Chinese Ministry of Education for Chang Jiang Scholars Program.
  • Expert of the National Natural Science Fundation of China.
  • Expert of the Shared Transport Branch of China Communications and Transportation Association.
  • Member of International Program Committee for 100+ international conferences.
  • Member of 50+ Ph.D. and HdR defense juries at universities in Europe, Asia, and Africa, including jury president (7) or rapporteur (32) for near 40 juries.
  • Member of 40+ recruitment selection committees (commités de sélection)for professors and lecturers in France.
  • Supervisor of 25+ Ph.D. students and 4 Post-docs.
  • Editorial Service
  • Associate Editor (Circular manufacturing, Remanufacturing, Sharing manufacturing, Inverse and Green logistics), International Journal of Production Research, 2021- .
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013- .
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2017-2023.
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions SMC: Part C, 2010-2013.
  • Guest Editor of “AI-Enabled Evolution: Unveiling the Synergy between Manufacturing and Services through Coordination and Integration” of the « International Journal of Production Research », 2023-2024.
  • Guest Editor of “the Special Issue in memory of Dr. Jean-Marie Proth” of the « International Journal of Production Research », 2022-2023.
  • Guest Editor of the special issue “Challenges and Responses of Automation Science and Engineering to the COVID-19 Pandemic” of the «IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engeniering», 2020-2021.
  • Lead Guest Editor of the special issue “I.S. : IESM2019” of the «Journal of Combinatorial Optimization», 2019-2020.
  • Guest Editor of the special issue “Parking in the Connected and Automated Era: Operation, Planning and Management” of the «Transportation Research Part C : Emerging Technologies», 2019-2020.
  • Guest Editor of the special issue “Big Data Analytics in the Production and Distribution Industry” of the «International Journal of Production Research», 2019-2020.
  • International Conference Chairs
  • General Co-Chair of the 20th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and ontrol (IEEE ICNSC), October 25-27, 2023, Marseille, France.
  • Program Co-Chair of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (IEEE ICNSC), 3-5 December, 2021, Xiamen, China.
  • Program Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and System Management (IEEE IESM), 11-13 Octobre, 2019, Shanghai, China.
  • Registration Vice Chair of the 20th World Congress of the IEEE International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 9-14 July 2017, Toulouse, France.
  • General Co-Chair of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and ontrol(IEEE ICNSC), April, 10-12, 2013, Paris, France.
  • Program Co-Chair of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and ontrol (IEEE ICNSC), April 11-14, 2012, Beijing, China.
  • Membership of Technical Committees
  • IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control): TC 7.4 Transportation systems, TC 9.1. Economic, Business, and Financial Systems.
  • IEEE SMC (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society): TC on Intelligent Transportation Systems, TC on Discrete Event Systems.
  • IEEE RAS (Robotics & Automation Society): TC on Automation in Health Care Management.
  • IEEE Comsoc (Communication Society): TC on Quantum Communications and Information Technology (QCIT).
  • Senior Member IEEE.
  • Member of International Sceintific Committees
  • 2024: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, Canada), IEEE IV(Associate Editor, Korea), IEEE SMC (Associate Editor, Malaysia), IFAC CTS(Associate Editor, Cyprus), CoDIT (Malta), ICINCO (Portugal), ISoIRS (China), RJCIA, (France).
  • 2023: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor,Spain), VECOS (Morocco), CoDIT (Italy), ICINCO (Italy), ISoIRS (China).
  • 2022: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, China), IEEE IROS(Associate Editor, Japon), IFAC MIM(France), IEEE ICNSC(China), CoDIT (Turkey), ICINCO (Portugal), VECoS(Georgia), ISoIRS(China).
  • 2021: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, USA), IFAC CTS (Associate Editor, France), IEEE IROS(Associate Editor, Czech Republic), ICINCO (online),VECoS(China), APMS (France), MSR(France), ICNSC (China).
  • 2020: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, Greece), IEEE IROS(Associate Editor, USA), ICINCO (France), MOSIM(Maroc), VECoS(China), APCRAS(JAPON),
  • 2019: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, New Zealand), IFAC MIM (Germany), IFAC MIM(Germany), ROADEF(France), ICINCO(Czech Republic), ICAS(Greece), IESM (China), VECoS(Portugal).
  • 2018: IFAC CTS (Associate Editor, Italy), IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, USA), IEEE SMC (Japan), IEEE ICNSC(China), ROADEF(France), CoDIT(Greece), ICINCO(Portugal), GSC(Greece), VECoS(France), ICAS(France), ISUT(Brazil).
  • 2017: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, Japan), IEEE SMC(Canada), IESM(German), IEEE ICNSC(Italy), ROADEF(France), ICINCO(Spain), IEEE ICALT(Indonesia), CoDIT(Spain), VECoS(Canada), ISUT(Greece), ICEASSM(Ghana), ICAS(Spain).
  • 2016: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, Brazil), IEEE CASE(Associate Editor, USA), IEEE SMC(Hungary), IEEE ICNSC(Mexico), IEEE ICALT(Poland), IFAC CTS(Turkey), VECoS(Tunisia), ICAS(Portugal), CoDIT(Malta), ICINCO(Portugal), GSC(UK), CTDSG(Czech Republic).
  • 2015: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, Spain), IEEE SMC(Hong Kong), IEEE ICVES(Japan), IEEE ICNSC(Taiwan), IEEE ICALT(France), ICINCO(France), ICATS(Algeria), VECoS(Romania), CIE45(France), IESM(Spain), ROADEF(France), ICIT(France).
  • 2014: IEEE ITSC(Associate Editor, China), IEEE SMC(USA), IEEE CoDIT(France), CSO(China), GSC(Franc), ICALT(Tunisia).
  • 2013: IEEE SMC(UK), IFAC MMMC(Russia), I*PROMS(France), IESM(Morocco), ICALT(Tunisia), CSO(China).
  • 2012: ICAMechS(Japan), PALS(Tunisia), GSC(France), CSO(China).
  • 2011: MSLT(Tunisia), BIFE(China), CSO(China).
  • 2008: IEEE SMC(Singapore).
  • 2007: IEEE SMC(Canada), IESM(China).
  • 2006: IEEE SMC(Taiwan).
  • Member of Organizing Committees
  • International Steering Committee member of he IEEE International Conference and Control on Networking from 2014.
  • Journee du GTAA du GDR MACS, 23-24 mai 2012.
  • CIE39, July, 6-8 2009, Troyes, France.
  • CSSSM06, October, 25-27 2006, Troyes, France.
  • IMS04, July 2004, Arles, France.
Feng Chu (c) 2021