Current Ph.D. students at the Paris-Saclay University
- Tingting Chen, "Designing and optimization of an equitable distribution network witth uncertainty", from 2024.
- Xiaoyuan Bai, "Optimization of distribued flowshop scheduling", from 2024.
- Yueyu Ding, "Contributions to viable supply Chain design and modeling", from 2023.
- Jun Wu, "Theoretical study and applications for Hamiltonian path and vehicle routing problems", from 2023.
- Ding Chen, "Closed-loop food supply chain optimization with reusable and shareable transportation items", from 2022.
- Xiechen Zhang, "Stochastic and multi-criteria optimization for scheduling", from 2022.
Former Ph.D. students
- Xinyue Wang, 2024, "Optimizing customer satisfaction and energy costs for flow shop scheduling". Associate professor, Northeastern University, China.
- Jing Li, 2024, "Optimization of emergency logistics for natural disasters".
- Liping Gao, 2023, "Efficient approaches for large-scale time-dependent route planning problems with traveler’s prefrence", Assistant professor, Chongqing Normal University, China.
- Peng Hu, 2023, "Stochastic and multi-criteria optimization for remanufacturing industry", Assistant professor, Chengdu University of Technology, China.
- Ying Li, 2021, “Efficient Models and Methods for New Variants of Integrated Berth Allocation and Quay Crane Assignment problem”, Assistant professor, Henan University, China.
- Junkai He, 2020, “Effective models and methods for stochastic disassembly line problems”, Assistant Professor, KEDGE Business School, Fance.
- Yipei Zhang, 2019, "Optimization of Closed-loop Food Supply Chain with Returnable Transport Items ", Associate professor, Chang’an University, China.
- Yanting Hou, 2019, "Gestion des Revenus dans un Réeseau de Compagnies Aériennes", Consultante, Altran Groupe, France.
- Yantong Li, 2018, "Models and Algorithms for a Class of Production Routing Problems", Associate professor, Dalian Maritime University, China.
- Junheng Cheng, 2017, "Multi-criteria Batch Scheduling under Time-of-Use Tariffs», Associate professor, Fujian Normal University, China.
- Peng Wu, 2016, “A study on lane reservation problems in transportation networks", Professor, Fuzhou University, China.
- Chenpeng Feng, 2015, “A study on DEA-based environmental performance evaluation and quota allocation”, Associate professor, Hefei University of Technology, China.
- Tingying Wu, 2015, “Models and algorithms for two-echelon capacitated facility location problems with facility size selection”, Assistant professor, Shanghai University, China.
- Zhen Zhou, 2014, “Study on Optimization of Hazardous Material Transportation via Lane Reservation”. Associate professor, Northwestern Polytechnic University, China.
- Yunfei Fang, 2013, “Study of lane reservation problems in a transportation network”, Associate professor, Fuzhou University, China.
- Nasreddine Saidani, 2012, “Location and quality design of commercial establishments in a competitive environment”, Project manager, Altao, France.
- Zhanguo Zhu, 2011, “Scheduling problems with consumable resource allocation and learning effect”. Professor, Nanjing Agricultural University, China.
- Jinfeng Li, 2010, “Facility location in supply chains”. Senior manager, the IBM Research Lab China.
- Qingning Shen, 2009 “Modeling and optimization of petroleum transportation”. Associate professor and vice dean of management school, Petroleum University of China.
- Zhen Yang, 2009, “Research on facility location problems in supply chain design”. General Manager, Shenzhen Sihe Building Technology co., Ltd, China.
- Caroline Desprez, 2008, “Optimization and simulation of production systems: application to the manufacturing of nuclear components”. Project manager, French railway company (SNCF).
- Nacima Labadi, 2003, “Strategic and Tactical Arc Routing Problems”. HDR, Professor, University of Technology of Troyes, France.
Former Post-doc
- Xin Feng Post-doc, (2018-2019), “Crowdsource-enabled integrated production and transportation scheduling for smart city logistics”, professeur, Nanjing Forestry University, China.
- Jianxiang Li Post-doc, (2006-2007), “Supply Chain Coordination”. Associate Professor, Beijing Institute of Technology, China.
- Jinhong Zhong, Post-doc, (2004-2006), “Lot sizing with sourcing and backlogging”. Associate Professor, Hefei University of Technology, China.
- Yugang Yu, Post-doc, (2004-2005), “Optimization of the inventory routing problem”. Professor and dean of management school, University of Science and Technology of China.