- PHC Franco-Chinese Cai Yuanpei project (N° 43956QF, 2019-2021) “DATA-DRIVEN OPTIMIZATION METHOD FOR HHCRSP UNDER UNCERTAINTY” granted by the French Foreign and Research Ministries France and Chinese Education Ministry.. Partners: University of Evry Val of Essonne (France) and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China). Coordinator and French Principal Investigator.
- PHC Franco-Chinese Xu Guangqi project (N° 43361PA, 2019) “Operational management for non-profit ride-sharing services” granted by the French Foreign and Research Ministries France and Nanjing Agricultural University. Partners: University of Evry Val of Essonne (France), University of de Lorraine (France) and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (China). Coordinator and French Principal Investigator.
- Natural Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC) (N° 71571061, 2016-2019), “Optimal bus-exclusive lane reservation in Large-scalr urban bus transit networks” granted by NSFC. Partener: University of Technologie of Hefei, China and University of Evry, France. Principal Investigator.
- PHC Franco-Chinese Cai Yanpei project (N° 34644SB, 2015-2017) “Sustainable food supply chain: empirical analysis, design, and evaluating” granted by the French Foreign and Research Ministries and Chinese Education Ministry. Partners: University of Evry Val of Essonne (France), University Paris 13 (France) and Nanjing Agricultural University (China). Coordinator and French Principal Investigator.
- PHC Franco-Chinese Xu Guangqi project (N° 30064QD, 2013) “Design and Optimization of food supply chain network” granted by the French Foreign and Research Ministries France and Nanjing Agricultural University. Partners: University of Evry Val of Essonne (France) and Nanjing Agricultural University (China). Coordinator and French Principal Investigator.
- PHC Franco-Chinese Cai Yanpei project (N° 27927VE, 2012-2014) “Optimization theory and method of energy-saving batch scheduling” granted by the French Foreign and Research Ministries, Chinese Education Ministry. Partners: University of Evry Val of Essonne (France), University Paris 6 (France) and University of Science and Technology of China (China). Coordinator and French Principal Investigator.
- PHC Franco-Chinese Cai Yanpei project (N° 24021SH, 2010-2012) “Lane reservation problem in transportation networks” (the sole granted project in transportation in the program) granted by the French Foreign and Research Ministries, Chinese Education Ministry. Partners: University of Evry Val of Essonne (France) and Northwestern Polytechnic University (China). Coordinateur and French Principal Investigator.
- Project “Assignment of suppliers to production plants: Simulation and analysis de economical impacts” (2007-2008), granted by the Agricultural Chamber of Aube. Principal Investigator.
- Project “Production scheduling for the manufacturing of nuclear components” (2003-2007), granted by CEA. Principal Investigator.
- Project “Integration of optimization problems in transportation logistics” (2002-2004) granted by French central government and Champagne-Ardenne Regional government.
- Project “Modeling and performance evaluation of supply chains” (2000-2001), granted by the Scientific Council of UTT.
- Franco-Israel project “Factory of the future” (1999-2001) “Scheduling of intelligent robots in cyclic production systems”, granted by AFIRST (Franco-Israeli Association for Scientific and Technical Research). Partners: University of Tel-Aviv and University of Technology of Troyes.
- Project SYREP (1993 1995) “Methods for production planning and scheduling”, granted by Pechiney.
- European project EUREKA-FAMOS (1992 1993) «Simulation de machines automatiques de briquetage pour la sidérurgie ». Partners: Delft University of Technology de Delft (The Netherlands), Paul WURTH, ARBED (Luxembourg), SCORIL and INRIA (France).